Medicis Should Buy Dermik? Good product fit-some good people left


Why wouldn't we buy Dermik? Would make sense-Carac and Benzaclin and Sculptra to compliment our aesthetic products? May not need their sales reps, but at least the products? I wonder if senior leadership is looking into? Would be interesting.
We have the cash, and I'm sure they have some nice propiertary rights for older products that we have interests in like Dermatop, Noritate, Vanamide, Penlac, etc. They still have some good products. We are not in the AK game-that would be nice with Carac. Benzaclin is available generically though. Might be nice to have a Tri-Acne product like Benzaclin plus a retinoid-seems like the two-combo product has been saturated with Veltin coming out, Epiduo, Duac, Acanya, Ziana, Benzaclin etc etc. Some of their reps are still great, some are big pharma refugees dumped into dermatology looking for their pod mates to sell for them. Interesting to see how this all develops.

It would be incredible difficult to near impossible for Medicis, who earns less than a billion dollars a year to go and acquire the Dermik Division from Sanofi-Aventis, a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical giant.
Sanofi would have willing to sell the unit, and I don't see why they would at this point. As far as I understand, Sculptra division was unaffected from SA recent lay offs, a strong indication the division is sustaining strong revenues.

Did you read a piece of news to indicate otherwise? Or are you just unwittingly throwing ideas around.