Medicis & Discrimination Against Women


I have a complaint pending that claims a pattern and practice of discrimination against women by Medicis. My lawyers are continuing to investigate claims by speaking with witnesses with relevant information. If you want to help move this along, please call or e-mail my lawyer – Sara Wyn Kane at 516-203-7180,
I think we can all agree that it is time for things to change...

There is rampant discrimination against women at Medicis, particularly on the commercial team. Look at the management team and marketing team - are there any women left? VI has replaced all the women managers and marketing managers with men over the last 2-3 years. The only safe place for women in this company is within the research and development department. Are there any women leaders at Medicis? and none allowed in the big old boys club! Has there ever been a woman on E-com? No. CC is the only female SVP, but E-Com has completely marginalized her. Come on women at Medicis, get a backbone and stand up against this discrimination!!!