Medicare Advantage


Remember all the hype around the fictitious numbers of what the healthcare bill would cost? And how it was all paid for?

Yeah, not so. No surprise, but the recent decision to not cut payments to Medicare Advantage plans removes $118 to $145 billion from the planned savings. Are you figuring out yet that this is a big sham?

Why do you think the addition of kids for more years and removal of preexisting conditions clauses are happening now, and the impact to your checkbook don't happen until after 2012? Anything extremely negative will be reversed or delayed until after 2012. Just like the idiot in office's appearance of the birth certificate. None of this is what is important for the nation but just political theater. He will make us a socialistic nation no matter what we want.

Remember all the hype around the fictitious numbers of what the healthcare bill would cost? And how it was all paid for?

Yeah, not so. No surprise, but the recent decision to not cut payments to Medicare Advantage plans removes $118 to $145 billion from the planned savings. Are you figuring out yet that this is a big sham?

Why do you think the addition of kids for more years and removal of preexisting conditions clauses are happening now, and the impact to your checkbook don't happen until after 2012? Anything extremely negative will be reversed or delayed until after 2012. Just like the idiot in office's appearance of the birth certificate. None of this is what is important for the nation but just political theater. He will make us a socialistic nation no matter what we want.

This slow path to socialist-hell is agonizong.... won't it be so much fun when we become just like Greece.