Do you believe the AssH's in management ?
Got the benefit booklet today in mail
They make you take those stupid wellness lab tests to pay less on your paycheck.
They say to catch people early if they have high BP, high Cholesterol or diabetes.
on the stupid premise that these conditions can be caught early and treated.
NOW, they bitch that half the company are being treated for (wait for it) high BP, high cholesterol, diabetes.
What a sham. They got what they wanted and now they bitch because they got what they "said" they wanted.
The point is they want to classify as many people as they can as sick, so they pay more of the health costs. Drive up these people's costs, give them a pitaful 1% raise.
Take that raise back in medical increases and encourage as many as they can to find health insurance elsewhere or make it so expensive that people can't afford it and have to drop out and go naked with no insurance
As a healthcare company they should be ashamed and embaressed.
Got the benefit booklet today in mail
They make you take those stupid wellness lab tests to pay less on your paycheck.
They say to catch people early if they have high BP, high Cholesterol or diabetes.
on the stupid premise that these conditions can be caught early and treated.
NOW, they bitch that half the company are being treated for (wait for it) high BP, high cholesterol, diabetes.
What a sham. They got what they wanted and now they bitch because they got what they "said" they wanted.
The point is they want to classify as many people as they can as sick, so they pay more of the health costs. Drive up these people's costs, give them a pitaful 1% raise.
Take that raise back in medical increases and encourage as many as they can to find health insurance elsewhere or make it so expensive that people can't afford it and have to drop out and go naked with no insurance
As a healthcare company they should be ashamed and embaressed.