MedAd News has a feature story about Joe Simmons - Wow!


I just got the most recent copy of MedAd News and who do I see on the inside cover? A Story written by Christiane Truelove titled, "Gender bender".

June 2010
Volume 29 Number 6

Featuring the supporting cast members:

Joe Simmons
Eric Robinson
Marjorie Salame

(and that know, Joe's best friend)

Damn Joe...You are famous!!!

What was the final outcome of this story?

I heard Joe left Novartis - But do not know if it was on his own accord or not?

And there were rumors that "he" was suing Novartis for something, but nothing was ever mentioned about it or followed up.

Anyone out there have any updates?

For the record (IMO) Joe was not a bad guy...Just a terrible, shitty situation that he got caught up in.