Med device to what?


I get that this more like "cafe complain" than anything else but I do believe that there are intelligent threads and hope that the trolls and tools can steer clear of this post.

I have been selling in device for about 9 years and came here for the same reason everyone else did. The money. This industry has been a great place for a sales professional but is slowly going the way of the buffalo.

What I would like to know is where do we go from here? What industry can a successful sales rep jump to that would be comparable to what we have been enjoying the last many years? Or is it going to be the same old game of 5-10 years at one job get downsized and jump somewhere else for a short period of time.


20 year vet here. I've seen several people successfully transition into other gigs. A good handful have gone to work for themselves and made small fortunes doing so. The businesses I've seen have ranged from service(landscaping, decorating) to real estate, to financial planning to 1099 independent med sales.
Other industries I've seen have really been everything- if you can sell then companies need you. Think tool companies selling to Home Depot/Lowes, software, business services, consulting---you name it. Go on some pay job sites like or and you will see many gigs that extend way beyond this tunnel vision of med that you are in. Good luck.

if you are too nervous to go out on your own then check out software sales. his money, no access issues, and ppl want to talk with you. much better than device, esp jnj device

Another 22 year vet here . Always good to be able to reinvent yourself. But the value we have in this business are the relationships. So if you go out on your own that is what you bring to the table, save your money cause it aint easy . I know people that have left and have done very well, I mean very well. But you also have others that have flopped. If you are not willing to work for the back end ..pension , Health care etc . Move on , because this is not the EES that it once was . big dollar days are gone. But it is still a good living. Salaries have to go up because commissions are going down .

This is a great thread - a lot of people are asking this question and still jaw dropping at the economy and fear of making a bad move.

Obama in his recent speech said future investments would be in technology and science. Think to yourself what will people always need? Food, so agricultural sales? Technology, so any type of technology gig might be worth looking at but a lot of research is needed to know which tech place to go...and finally healthcare, so if the day to day med device gig is no good with JNJ roll the dice and go after something new.

Nothing is certain anymore.... Just the facts

Roll te dice and make a change.

Great discussion. I left EES several years ago and went to Biotech. Its alot like pharma now because the field is flooded with Pharma people. The funny thing is pharma/biotech seems to be much more lucrative than device these days and many managers are beginning to turn their nose toward device reps. My base pay is rediculous compared to typical device jobs and I've ranged between 160k and 230k every year.

The down side is Biotech is it is extremely unstable. Companys launch then either file bankruptcy or sell to big pharma with in a few years. Many people jump from one company to the next to avoid the fall out.

Did you mean ridiculous?

Great discussion. I left EES several years ago and went to Biotech. Its alot like pharma now because the field is flooded with Pharma people. The funny thing is pharma/biotech seems to be much more lucrative than device these days and many managers are beginning to turn their nose toward device reps. My base pay is rediculous compared to typical device jobs and I've ranged between 160k and 230k every year.

The down side is Biotech is it is extremely unstable. Companys launch then either file bankruptcy or sell to big pharma with in a few years. Many people jump from one company to the next to avoid the fall out.

I am so burnt out on the sh@t we put up with. I need to get out of this place and with where healthcare is headed I may need to get out of sales too. Maybe I'll go be a prostitute or a banker

So...most sales people SHOULD decide what else they need to do with their life-Other than being a 50+ year old sales guy.

Use it as a means to an end. Not a lifelong career. Night 'Pharmers.

Any career changers out there? Would be curious to hear the details of your experience, what you learned about yourself and also your position compared to Ethicon since you made the switch? Thanks

Left EES many moons ago and I would tell you that, for me personally, it was one of the best decisions of my life. There was certainly some anxiety to leave something that was tried and true and stable, but the newfound joy of life in general was worth it alone. Granted, the fact that comp was much better made it even sweeter, but the single most satisfying aspect was the change in culture. EES was very tired and it was an environment of paranoia--that was years ago. Unless things have changed dramatically since then, I would recommend you go for it....and never look back. Get your life back.