Meaning of the word "Legacy"


With the immense coverage over the last weeks of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz (Mayor de Blasio gave a great speech) reminding everyone about perverted Nazi german mindset. Something additional was bothering me, and it is this:

Joerg Reinhardt, the German Chairman of Novartis seems to encourage the use the word “legacy” as a weapon to minimize culpability of Novartis for its infractions, (the fake trainings for doctors seems to be attracting a $700 million fine). By usage of the word “legacy” are Novartis trying to infer that because misbehavior was in the past, the seriousness of these infractions has dissipated? (Example: “Novartis CEO says legacy bribery allegations provisioned for”).

The question then must be posed: if Joerg Reinhardt believes that misbehavior evaporates with the passage of time, then being consequent and relying on the same logic, would Joerg Reinhardt argue that Mr. Adolf Eichmann should not have been held accountable in 1962 for the atrocities that he committed pre-1945 because these were “legacy” crimes committed almost 2 decades in the distant past?

This must place a focus on Joerg Reinhardts moral compass? He is “of the age” where he possibly had his morals & ethics goose stepped into him by heil hitlering parents and grandparents? In his elevated position of power, and given the rhetoric he allows used, I am curious as to his belief system.


not sure where you are going on this one, though the reparations game requires limits.

is $700mn enough for everyone to agree that justice has been served?

i always thought there would be a fine in the multi-billions....

not sure where you are going on this one, though the reparations game requires limits.

is $700mn enough for everyone to agree that justice has been served?

i always thought there would be a fine in the multi-billions....

Justice will be served when ALL the cases WORLDWIDE are settled and there are no new lawsuits based on bad behavior. The $700m lawsuit is just 1 of many open investigations. If they are going to attempt to hide the past actions by using the term "legacy" then get everything cleaned up. It seems once one case is resolved new allegations follow. Cohen, Greece, Long Island. Enough is enough