Mea Culpa


Like many of you, I worked from my home for well over a year, taking calls on Teams dressed from the waist up, makeup and hair done, but wearing pajama pants and slippers. I laughed at the absurdity of that situation with my friends and colleagues for some levity in a scary time.

Like many of you, I eagerly awaited the arrival of the vaccines and believed they were the only way out of the pandemic.

Like many of you, I ran out to receive my shots and boosters as soon as I could.

Like many of you, I was relieved when I saw the government, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies rolling out vaccination mandates.

Like many of you, I am guilty of cheering on companies who fired the unvaccinated.

Like many of you, I am guilty of being happy that those people could not find jobs in our industry any longer, hoping that is what it would take for them to see reason and finally get vaccinated.

Like many of you, I harboured angst against those who still refused to get the vaccine, even after they were fired. I felt the unvaccinated were morally corrupt and willfully ignorant. I quietly cut many family and friends out of my life. I did not invite unvaccinated family and friends to holiday gatherings and summer bar-b-ques.

I ignored, unfriended, unfollowed, and blocked former colleagues who were fired over not getting the vaccine. Some had attended my wedding and met my husband and children. These were the same people I mentioned earlier as we would laugh together about our work from home attire. These were once friends who were suffering and I turned a blind eye and a cold shoulder toward them.

All of that was wrong. I’m writing this a little for myself as it’s been weighting heavily on me. But more, I am writing this for those who were fired and who probably had to face people with the attitude I once had.

I am sorry and not sure I even deserve your forgiveness.

I hope your friends and families see reason and apologize if any of them were as black hearted as I was.

I hope the mandates go away.

I hope you can get your old jobs back or find better ones soon.

I hope you’re ok.

My guilty conscience


Like many of you, I worked from my home for well over a year, taking calls on Teams dressed from the waist up, makeup and hair done, but wearing pajama pants and slippers. I laughed at the absurdity of that situation with my friends and colleagues for some levity in a scary time.

Like many of you, I eagerly awaited the arrival of the vaccines and believed they were the only way out of the pandemic.

Like many of you, I ran out to receive my shots and boosters as soon as I could.

Like many of you, I was relieved when I saw the government, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies rolling out vaccination mandates.

Like many of you, I am guilty of cheering on companies who fired the unvaccinated.

Like many of you, I am guilty of being happy that those people could not find jobs in our industry any longer, hoping that is what it would take for them to see reason and finally get vaccinated.

Like many of you, I harboured angst against those who still refused to get the vaccine, even after they were fired. I felt the unvaccinated were morally corrupt and willfully ignorant. I quietly cut many family and friends out of my life. I did not invite unvaccinated family and friends to holiday gatherings and summer bar-b-ques.

I ignored, unfriended, unfollowed, and blocked former colleagues who were fired over not getting the vaccine. Some had attended my wedding and met my husband and children. These were the same people I mentioned earlier as we would laugh together about our work from home attire. These were once friends who were suffering and I turned a blind eye and a cold shoulder toward them.

All of that was wrong. I’m writing this a little for myself as it’s been weighting heavily on me. But more, I am writing this for those who were fired and who probably had to face people with the attitude I once had.

I am sorry and not sure I even deserve your forgiveness.

I hope your friends and families see reason and apologize if any of them were as black hearted as I was.

I hope the mandates go away.

I hope you can get your old jobs back or find better ones soon.

I hope you’re ok.

My guilty conscience

You have been in Pharma. You know how clinical studies are vigorously regulated by the study groups. Yet, you took the jab with no long term data. I am embarrassed by you and most of you in this industry that took the Jab. Also, you are stupid. You should have said you DID take it. No need for vax card. if you were smart enough you wouldn’t need it for proof.

You took the jab with no long term data. I am embarrassed by you and most of you in this industry that took the Jab. Also, you are stupid. You should have said you DID take it. No need for vax card. if you were smart enough you wouldn’t need it for proof.

Covid is a fast moving pandemic that was decimating populations around the world (or do you deny this?)! You don't have the luxury of waiting for "long term data".

History has shown that with vaccines, adverse effects occur within eight weeks of vaccination—not years later. COVID-19 vaccines have been given to hundreds of millions of people for more than a year. The safety data is overwhelmingly positive. And neither mRNA technology, or viral vector technology, are new. They've been used for over 10 years in cancer treatments (mRNA) and ebola vaccines (vector tech).

Bottomline: If you can't grasp the simple evidenced-based rationale that you are far more likely to be hospitalized from COVID-19 than you are to have an adverse reaction from the vaccines, then you have NO business being a drug rep. Please find another line of work.

Like many of you, I worked from my home for well over a year, taking calls on Teams dressed from the waist up, makeup and hair done, but wearing pajama pants and slippers. I laughed at the absurdity of that situation with my friends and colleagues for some levity in a scary time.

Like many of you, I eagerly awaited the arrival of the vaccines and believed they were the only way out of the pandemic.

Like many of you, I ran out to receive my shots and boosters as soon as I could.

Like many of you, I was relieved when I saw the government, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies rolling out vaccination mandates.

Like many of you, I am guilty of cheering on companies who fired the unvaccinated.

Like many of you, I am guilty of being happy that those people could not find jobs in our industry any longer, hoping that is what it would take for them to see reason and finally get vaccinated.

Like many of you, I harboured angst against those who still refused to get the vaccine, even after they were fired. I felt the unvaccinated were morally corrupt and willfully ignorant. I quietly cut many family and friends out of my life. I did not invite unvaccinated family and friends to holiday gatherings and summer bar-b-ques.

I ignored, unfriended, unfollowed, and blocked former colleagues who were fired over not getting the vaccine. Some had attended my wedding and met my husband and children. These were the same people I mentioned earlier as we would laugh together about our work from home attire. These were once friends who were suffering and I turned a blind eye and a cold shoulder toward them.

All of that was wrong. I’m writing this a little for myself as it’s been weighting heavily on me. But more, I am writing this for those who were fired and who probably had to face people with the attitude I once had.

I am sorry and not sure I even deserve your forgiveness.

I hope your friends and families see reason and apologize if any of them were as black hearted as I was.

I hope the mandates go away.

I hope you can get your old jobs back or find better ones soon.

I hope you’re ok.

My guilty conscience

Nice post, but if you believe pharma companies are going to do anything other than insist they were right to fire people over this, you need a serious reality check.

Like many of you, I worked from my home for well over a year, taking calls on Teams dressed from the waist up, makeup and hair done, but wearing pajama pants and slippers. I laughed at the absurdity of that situation with my friends and colleagues for some levity in a scary time.

Like many of you, I eagerly awaited the arrival of the vaccines and believed they were the only way out of the pandemic.

Like many of you, I ran out to receive my shots and boosters as soon as I could.

Like many of you, I was relieved when I saw the government, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies rolling out vaccination mandates.

Like many of you, I am guilty of cheering on companies who fired the unvaccinated.

Like many of you, I am guilty of being happy that those people could not find jobs in our industry any longer, hoping that is what it would take for them to see reason and finally get vaccinated.

Like many of you, I harboured angst against those who still refused to get the vaccine, even after they were fired. I felt the unvaccinated were morally corrupt and willfully ignorant. I quietly cut many family and friends out of my life. I did not invite unvaccinated family and friends to holiday gatherings and summer bar-b-ques.

I ignored, unfriended, unfollowed, and blocked former colleagues who were fired over not getting the vaccine. Some had attended my wedding and met my husband and children. These were the same people I mentioned earlier as we would laugh together about our work from home attire. These were once friends who were suffering and I turned a blind eye and a cold shoulder toward them.

All of that was wrong. I’m writing this a little for myself as it’s been weighting heavily on me. But more, I am writing this for those who were fired and who probably had to face people with the attitude I once had.

I am sorry and not sure I even deserve your forgiveness.

I hope your friends and families see reason and apologize if any of them were as black hearted as I was.

I hope the mandates go away.

I hope you can get your old jobs back or find better ones soon.

I hope you’re ok.

My guilty conscience

The flat earthers got what they deserved. I am sure they're all just hunky dory flipping burgers together in DeSantis' Florida and talking about muh rights.

One should be vaccinated to protect yourself, your family, your friends, your co-workers...protect as a social good.

If you did not get vaccinated (other than religious beliefs, MAGA-Gots etc.) then you are a tool.

I am sure there were many on a vent gasping for a moment to get off and thinking that they should have received the vaccine but were too proud or stupid. Then they ran to the light.

I am not sure why the original poster posted such drivel. Get up, put your big boy pants on and be part of the human race.

What I don't understand is how can someone who works in Pharma be credible and authentic when they tell docs to believe what the FDA says about the safety of the drug they promote while at the same time expressing endless skepticism about the what the FDA says about vaccine safety.

Vaccine-skeptic Drug Reps need to please get OUT of pharma. You're a walking contradiction.

What I don't understand is how can someone who works in Pharma be credible and authentic when they tell docs to believe what the FDA says about the safety of the drug they promote while at the same time expressing endless skepticism about the what the FDA says about vaccine safety.

Vaccine-skeptic Drug Reps need to please get OUT of pharma. You're a walking contradiction.

The way the FDA handled the studies and approval opposed to all other products is the contradiction.

The way the FDA handled the studies and approval opposed to all other products is the contradiction.

nonsense... It's still saying "trust the FDA" out of one side of their mouth and "the FDA is part of a deep-state conspiracy" out of the other. Again, holding these opposing thoughts is disqualifying for a drug rep.

Anyone who does not get vaccinated, gets sick, and requires hospitalization should only be allowed to go to hospitals that are staffed w/ fellow vax skeptics. Good luck with that.

nonsense... It's still saying "trust the FDA" out of one side of their mouth and "the FDA is part of a deep-state conspiracy" out of the other. Again, holding these opposing thoughts is disqualifying for a drug rep.

Anyone who does not get vaccinated, gets sick, and requires hospitalization should only be allowed to go to hospitals that are staffed w/ fellow vax skeptics. Good luck with that.

You are not smart. We trust the FDA when they go through their normal protocol that produces the safety and efficacy data we are used to. It's one of our talking points with doctors. But this shot that has not gone through that same protocol. Wanting safety, efficacy and transmission data isn't a conspiracy theory.
When we know what we know now about how anyone can transmit this virus, vaxxed or not, and you are still peddling this nutjob idea of some people not getting treatment?
And when we have every other vax in this world you can hardly call us vax skeptics.

You are not smart. We trust the FDA when they go through their normal protocol that produces the safety and efficacy data we are used to. It's one of our talking points with doctors. But this shot that has not gone through that same protocol. Wanting safety, efficacy and transmission data isn't a conspiracy theory.
When we know what we know now about how anyone can transmit this virus, vaxxed or not, and you are still peddling this nutjob idea of some people not getting treatment?
And when we have every other vax in this world you can hardly call us vax skeptics.

Your logic (and writing) is muddled.

CV19 shot reduces transmission and reduces chance of serious illness and death. Are you saying it does not do this?

Nope. Janine Small. Look it up.

That was my second guess. ..Also debunked.

And not just about transmission. ..It's also about a healthcare system strained to the limit with over-run hospital ERs, ICU's. And countless healthcare workers whose lives were completely upended as they worked double and triple shifts caring for those with CV19. Getting vaxed greatly reduces the chance of needing admission to a hospital

…countless healthcare workers whose lives were completely upended as they worked double and triple shifts caring for those with CV19…

I’m guessing you were thrilled when countless healthcare workers were fired over not getting the vaccine.

These heroes were sent to the curb just like the trash, despite all of them having obviously been exposed to CoV and having immunity.