ME1000 with Actis


Started our first trial last month. Depuy loyal surgeons first described it as a novelty are now are demanding they have it for every case. It’s efficient and effective on Anterior Hips and shows greater value than on Posterior, in my opinion.

After a few cases with ME1000 going back to a Mallet feels primitive. Competitive Smith & Nephew surgeons are starting to take notice.

DO you mean the press fit stem that has a collar? The one that has impact broaching on one side and compact broaching on the other? The same stem that can't figure out if it wants to be a Corail or Tri-lock? Seriously? This stem is an absolute joke, trying to be 3 different stems at once. Get the fuck out here.

DO you mean the press fit stem that has a collar? The one that has impact broaching on one side and compact broaching on the other? The same stem that can't figure out if it wants to be a Corail or Tri-lock? Seriously? This stem is an absolute joke, trying to be 3 different stems at once. Get the fuck out here.

Sounds like someone lost some business...he isn't in fact talking about the Actis, he's talking about the ME1000...look it up. A collar on a press fit stem isn't new either, there are over 1.6 million Corails walking around as I type this, over 70% of those have a collar on it.

Started our first trial last month. Depuy loyal surgeons first described it as a novelty are now are demanding they have it for every case. It’s efficient and effective on Anterior Hips and shows greater value than on Posterior, in my opinion.

After a few cases with ME1000 going back to a Mallet feels primitive. Competitive Smith & Nephew surgeons are starting to take notice.

Give me a break. A $45,000 novelty that is closed platform? Or hospitals could buy the 26 year old Woodpecker that has performed 100,000+ cases worldwide, is open platform and can also impact broaches, stems and cups for 1/3 the cost. I have heard that less than 10 ME1000 have sold in the US. Nice try.

Sounds like a bitter Strker rep that is relying on the archaic Acc 2..- a stem that appeared as Acc TMZF was not fitting canal...and the TMZF metal trunnions were disappearing—but Stryker blamed that on COCR heads...interesting how TMZF stems were being phased out (the Stryker proprietary metal they are soooo proud of) and then Acc 2 appears made if Ti6..interesting switch...trunnion wear is issue for all—but Stryker TMZF seems to melt away...hmmmm

Sounds like a bitter Strker rep that is relying on the archaic Acc 2..- a stem that appeared as Acc TMZF was not fitting canal...and the TMZF metal trunnions were disappearing—but Stryker blamed that on COCR heads...interesting how TMZF stems were being phased out (the Stryker proprietary metal they are soooo proud of) and then Acc 2 appears made if Ti6..interesting switch...trunnion wear is issue for all—but Stryker TMZF seems to melt away...hmmmm

Nice try. Would you like to respond with a counterpoint? Crickets... ME1000 is silly expensive toy. How many have been sold in the US? All other competitors passed on buying ME and Depuy Synthes was last to pick it up for distribution. Closed platform gadget isn't going to sell more Depuy boxes.

Give me a break. A $45,000 novelty that is closed platform? Or hospitals could buy the 26 year old Woodpecker that has performed 100,000+ cases worldwide, is open platform and can also impact broaches, stems and cups for 1/3 the cost. I have heard that less than 10 ME1000 have sold in the US. Nice try.

The Woodpecker is awesome, a lot less money and as stated multi-platform. The ME1000 is a complete copy. Feel bad for the guys touting this as “new, groundbreaking technology”. If you use this line you are really discrediting yourself. The Sulzer guys were using this stuff over 15 years ago, Go ask Dorr or Hofmann. The ME is not more safe or effective. Next you will be re-introducing a Charnley hip as new and groundbreaking as a one piece verision that solves trunionosis...
Seriously come up with something actually new.

The Woodpecker is awesome, a lot less money and as stated multi-platform. The ME1000 is a complete copy. Feel bad for the guys touting this as “new, groundbreaking technology”. If you use this line you are really discrediting yourself. The Sulzer guys were using this stuff over 15 years ago, Go ask Dorr or Hofmann. The ME is not more safe or effective. Next you will be re-introducing a Charnley hip as new and groundbreaking as a one piece verision that solves trunionosis...
Seriously come up with something actually new.
The S+ tibia is new. So is the revision stemmed tibia. Oh, you meant real innovation, not new products to cover up the old ones that aren't working well...

The Woodpecker is awesome, a lot less money and as stated multi-platform. The ME1000 is a complete copy. Feel bad for the guys touting this as “new, groundbreaking technology”. If you use this line you are really discrediting yourself. The Sulzer guys were using this stuff over 15 years ago, Go ask Dorr or Hofmann. The ME is not more safe or effective. Next you will be re-introducing a Charnley hip as new and groundbreaking as a one piece verision that solves trunionosis...
Seriously come up with something actually new.
That ME will take over the market ...yours included within the next 2 years MAX.
Mark my words, if you think it’s a wood pecker you obviously haven’t even seen it work.
Go ask your local depuy rep kindly to sit in a case stfu and learn what constant linear energy really means. (Don’t compare this to a wood pecker you dip shit)
Oh and ask your surgeons if their bodies are under stress when they do 5-10 cases per day, swinging a mallet 2-300+ Times per Daa hip procedure.
Here is another funny insider but of news dumb ass Stryker management looked at the technology and said no room for it in our bag....then they saw the competitive turnover it created and then they wanted another meeting lol ....too late bitches.
Do your research and then come back to this post and answer don’t make yourself look like an ass clown and mouth off.

That ME will take over the market ...yours included within the next 2 years MAX.
Mark my words, if you think it’s a wood pecker you obviously haven’t even seen it work.
Go ask your local depuy rep kindly to sit in a case stfu and learn what constant linear energy really means. (Don’t compare this to a wood pecker you dip shit)
Oh and ask your surgeons if their bodies are under stress when they do 5-10 cases per day, swinging a mallet 2-300+ Times per Daa hip procedure.
Here is another funny insider but of news dumb ass Stryker management looked at the technology and said no room for it in our bag....then they saw the competitive turnover it created and then they wanted another meeting lol ....too late bitches.
Do your research and then come back to this post and answer don’t make yourself look like an ass clown and mouth off.

The ME1000 has been runoff by the Woodpecker in my territory. The ME got a few trial cases, but once the hospital realized it was $45k each and the Woodpecker was far less and open platform, interest died. The ME handpiece is huge, has to be sterilized separately and Stryker power is still needed. Unless the Depuy distributors/GMs give this thing away (many of them needed per day for a single high volume MD), it is going nowhere. Depuy already has egg on its face from the Attune debacle. This is a silly attempt at selling sizzle. Convert ME1000 to the consumer market with a dildo attachment and you might have something...