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what jokes these clowns are that run this division!

Any specific clowns? DQ has been a clown since day one and has sold his soul to GEvil.

Hard to run a company right when you haven't had a new product in at least a dozen years -- and the products you do have are getting slapped down right and left by the FDA.

Where is the two thumbs way up button??? Triple the work for anyone who is left on the CM side, quadruple the territory size, half the income from only 2-3 years ago...pretty much sux!

And the beatings will continue until morale improves ...

This is a company (as Amersham and now GE MDx) that stopped creating new products over 10 years ago and wonders why things are going to h-e-double-hockey-sticks. And they've ruined a lot of careers of good folks ... and continue to do so.

Any specific clowns? DQ has been a clown since day one and has sold his soul to GEvil.

Hard to run a company right when you haven't had a new product in at least a dozen years -- and the products you do have are getting slapped down right and left by the FDA.

DQ is driving the clown car but DL has a secure spot in it (he would drive but obviously doesn't have a clue about that either).

DQ is driving the clown car but DL has a secure spot in it (he would drive but obviously doesn't have a clue about that either).

Too bad about DL. He used to be one of the good guys, but I guess when the GEvil Koolaid is always in the breakroom, it's easy to drink it up. As for DQ, he'd sell his soul to the devil for a promotion/raise/sale, so he fit right in to the GEvil culture.

Lets keep this message going for all MDX reps ASDs and marketing who got the ax last week. My only question is how can that moron 400 lbs dirtbag "LEGG" KEEP his job. he cant make a single decision except what to eat for lunch He has got a real Healthy Imagination

Lets keep this message going for all MDX reps ASDs and marketing who got the ax last week. My only question is how can that moron 400 lbs dirtbag "LEGG" KEEP his job. he cant make a single decision except what to eat for lunch He has got a real Healthy Imagination

Lemme guess ... DQ is still around? Or, if he's gone, no doubt with a nice handful of lovely parting gifts ... unlike most of those in the past and present that have been run off because of the inability of this company (again, past and present) to develop new products or to be aggressive in building strong ties with more than one GPO AND being agressive in addressing competitive threats.

Lets keep this message going for all MDX reps ASDs and marketing who got the ax last week. My only question is how can that moron 400 lbs dirtbag "LEGG" KEEP his job. he cant make a single decision except what to eat for lunch He has got a real Healthy Imagination

bwaaahahahahahahha...I just spit all over my GE issued POS Dell laptop! Just thinking back to all those POA's and National Meetings and the talk of our HUGE pipeline..MDx was the place to be...remember that! good lord what a joke.

And no doubt, the big boss, Jeffrey Immelt, will highlight these job losses as proof how he as the chief crony capitalist, is helping grow jobs in Dear Leader's economic summer of recovery (take three) when he leads a Jobs Summit at the US Chamber of Commerce (as recently reported).

What’s amazing (but not all that surprising) is who was kept and who was let go. There seems to be no rhyme or reason. Top reps were let go and losers and psychopaths were retained. Weird.

What’s amazing (but not all that surprising) is who was kept and who was let go. There seems to be no rhyme or reason. Top reps were let go and losers and psychopaths were retained. Weird.

I'm hearing more than 100 let go ... "the place was nuc'ed" was what I was told. All of national accounts is gone.

I'm guessing that the last money-making product (Iodixanol) is going off patent as early as September of 2011 and that they've finally po'ed Novation enough ... because those were the only two revenue drivers of the operation.