MDT Stock -24.33% Past 5Y

Even with PFA nothing in the stock....

This can't be true - the stock market doesn't understand real progress of double overweighting new hires. this has got to be paying off now

"Inclusion, diversity, and equity are critical in driving Medtronic’s competitiveness and bringing more creativity, better decision-making, and enhanced innovation. In 2021, they hired their most diverse group of interns in the company’s history— 62% were women and 62% were ethnically diverse. Medtronic has several long-standing early ID programs for women, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ and people with disabilities."

Seems all that money spent on diversity is paying off, for people shorting the stock.

One of the dumbest things I’ve witnessed in my time, how MDT went ALL IN with the DEI and decimated their foothold.

The company did great under the so-called DEI hire Omar, but has done terribly under your lily-white wonder-boy Geoff. So how does DEI have anything to do with MDT’s death spiral?

The company did great under the so-called DEI hire Omar, but has done terribly under your lily-white wonder-boy Geoff. So how does DEI have anything to do with MDT’s death spiral?
Wrong. The demise of MDT started with the DEI hire. Omar is not the messiah everyone projects him to be. His track record indicates that he leaves companies is shambles as he exits stage left with Millions in his pocket.
He left the GE Medical unit as a flaming pile of dog turd. While MDT enjoyed some growth during his early tenure, the last few years were stagnated and in some cases divisions were decaying but he stayed the course of aggressive expanding with no recourse and limits to spending. Overpaying for dozens of acquisitions that ultimately were sold for significantly less than what MDT paid for, and in some cases completely shut down.
Omar’s next move was Chairman of Intel…..yes the former largest chip designer & maker in the world. He set the direction to stay the course and avoid all things AI. Great strategy if you want to now be known as the former largest chip company in the world.
As for golden boy G-off. He is under qualified and surrounds himself with yes-man (or is that yes-they/them/it?). G-off has no exposure and true experience running a successful division/business unit. His past record even as a sales rep and manager shows Y/Y decline in both sales, GP and market share (don’t believe me; look it up). But he talks a good game and keeps getting promoted but now he’s exposed in the spotlight. However he has plenty of people to blame for poor sales & operational performances; hence the yearly reshuffling of the deck chairs.

Wrong. The demise of MDT started with the DEI hire. Omar is not the messiah everyone projects him to be. His track record indicates that he leaves companies is shambles as he exits stage left with Millions in his pocket.
He left the GE Medical unit as a flaming pile of dog turd. While MDT enjoyed some growth during his early tenure, the last few years were stagnated and in some cases divisions were decaying but he stayed the course of aggressive expanding with no recourse and limits to spending. Overpaying for dozens of acquisitions that ultimately were sold for significantly less than what MDT paid for, and in some cases completely shut down.
Omar’s next move was Chairman of Intel…..yes the former largest chip designer & maker in the world. He set the direction to stay the course and avoid all things AI. Great strategy if you want to now be known as the former largest chip company in the world.
As for golden boy G-off. He is under qualified and surrounds himself with yes-man (or is that yes-they/them/it?). G-off has no exposure and true experience running a successful division/business unit. His past record even as a sales rep and manager shows Y/Y decline in both sales, GP and market share (don’t believe me; look it up). But he talks a good game and keeps getting promoted but now he’s exposed in the spotlight. However he has plenty of people to blame for poor sales & operational performances; hence the yearly reshuffling of the deck chairs.

“Overpaying for dozens of acquisitions that ultimately were sold for significantly less than what MDT paid for, and in some cases completely shut down”

Yes most of the deals led by head of strategy and BD wonder-boy Geoff and his lackey VP of Corp Dev, including the disastrous Covidien acquisition