

Takeda hires this advisement group to "take a look at the business" which means layoffs. Has anyone looked into this group? They have advised some of the largest Chinese communist companies and we are using them????? Wtf!!!

Kiss the TO and MN sites goodbye. It’ll be all good until boom you’re all layed off. Bye, bye, you’re both sold off wastes of our money. I want my huge bonus. You idiots are a money drain.

Takeda hires this advisement group to "take a look at the business" which means layoffs. Has anyone looked into this group? They have advised some of the largest Chinese communist companies and we are using them????? Wtf!!!
I hope that you're a troll and dont work here. If you've been in this industry for ore the 4 years, and you've never heard of companies like ZS, McKinsey and the like, then you've reached your highest level-bringing Dunkin and Panera to your biggest prescribers 4 times a week. The Fox News/MTG-like conspiracy rants about McKinsey and China, while hilarious, make me hope that you're just a troll...

Libtard, look up what those companies do. Their job is to essentially downsize companies. And public records reflect McKinseys business with known Chinese communist parties. Maybe you should do research before you comment. I'd like to say you reached your highest point catering food to offices but you don't even seem that smart. You probably refill the mask trays at home office.

I hope that you're a troll and dont work here. If you've been in this industry for ore the 4 years, and you've never heard of companies like ZS, McKinsey and the like, then you've reached your highest level-bringing Dunkin and Panera to your biggest prescribers 4 times a week. The Fox News/MTG-like conspiracy rants about McKinsey and China, while hilarious, make me hope that you're just a troll...

Libtard, look up what those companies do. Their job is to essentially downsize companies. And public records reflect McKinseys business with known Chinese communist parties. Maybe you should do research before you comment. I'd like to say you reached your highest point catering food to offices but you don't even seem that smart. You probably refill the mask trays at home office.

This is my first and probably last post on cafepharma. I heard about this thread and had to come and take a peek.

*sigh* I can see why your guy "loves the poorly educated". You're embarrassing, even for one of his swag buying, flag flying, monthly $50.00 donating-minions.

I'll go slowly, and use small words and short sentences: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, ZS and others make multiple millions off of every single brand in this industry. They are the "go to" for pre-launch strategic planning. They are the "go to" for field force expansion. They are the "go to" for developing strategies for when our brands come close to LOE, and we try to figure out how to get a patent extension. They are the "go to" for field force contraction. And so much more!

For proof, if you really work here ask our brilliant Entivyo HCP brand team (sarcasm) how much they spent in the past 2 years on McKinsey (oh. sorry. HCP is abbreviation for healthcare practitioners or healthcare professionals. In this case, Doctors and Nurse Practitioners that are allowed to prescribe).
Your peoples' repeated finger pointing to communist countries' influence over everything here is a) projection (i.e. Tucker-Boys and MTG's constant and repeated fawning over Putin) and b) downright hilarious and sad at the same time.

This is my first and probably last post on cafepharma. I heard about this thread and had to come and take a peek.

*sigh* I can see why your guy "loves the poorly educated". You're embarrassing, even for one of his swag buying, flag flying, monthly $50.00 donating-minions.

I'll go slowly, and use small words and short sentences: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, ZS and others make multiple millions off of every single brand in this industry. They are the "go to" for pre-launch strategic planning. They are the "go to" for field force expansion. They are the "go to" for developing strategies for when our brands come close to LOE, and we try to figure out how to get a patent extension. They are the "go to" for field force contraction. And so much more!

For proof, if you really work here ask our brilliant Entivyo HCP brand team (sarcasm) how much they spent in the past 2 years on McKinsey (oh. sorry. HCP is abbreviation for healthcare practitioners or healthcare professionals. In this case, Doctors and Nurse Practitioners that are allowed to prescribe).
Your peoples' repeated finger pointing to communist countries' influence over everything here is a) projection (i.e. Tucker-Boys and MTG's constant and repeated fawning over Putin) and b) downright hilarious and sad at the same time.

Lol, it's funny; I'm not sure if you're trying to defend these consulting idiots or insult our in house idiots. Here's the problem with these consulting dodos though; everything they touch comes out worse. All the launches they advise on, expansions and contractions they propose, everything. The consulting groups are filled with a bunch of MBAs who haven't actually had real world experience in the industries they advise... they just have some case studies they've read and the ability to make some great looking PowerPoints. The people who are actually coming up with the plans are usually fresh out of school and then the presentations are done by 'more senior partners'. These consulting groups are levers to pull by corporate directors, VPs, and above who don't know what they're doing and are too scared to be wrong; so they give an easy answer (even it's it's wrong more often than not) and provide someone who can be blamed when it goes south.

Also, if you're going to try to speak with authority to people you should know what the acronyms you're using actually mean. The communist-whatever-the-else comments are just stupid; but holy crap do you sound idiotic when you respond the them with something incorrect. If you're going to come at someone at least come at them right. And oh man, does the "*sigh*" type of comment ever weaken an argument as well... just go ahead and put yourself on a pedestal; that's a fantastic way to prove a point.

This is my first and probably last post on cafepharma. I heard about this thread and had to come and take a peek.

*sigh* I can see why your guy "loves the poorly educated". You're embarrassing, even for one of his swag buying, flag flying, monthly $50.00 donating-minions.

I'll go slowly, and use small words and short sentences: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, ZS and others make multiple millions off of every single brand in this industry. They are the "go to" for pre-launch strategic planning. They are the "go to" for field force expansion. They are the "go to" for developing strategies for when our brands come close to LOE, and we try to figure out how to get a patent extension. They are the "go to" for field force contraction. And so much more!

For proof, if you really work here ask our brilliant Entivyo HCP brand team (sarcasm) how much they spent in the past 2 years on McKinsey (oh. sorry. HCP is abbreviation for healthcare practitioners or healthcare professionals. In this case, Doctors and Nurse Practitioners that are allowed to prescribe).
Your peoples' repeated finger pointing to communist countries' influence over everything here is a) projection (i.e. Tucker-Boys and MTG's constant and repeated fawning over Putin) and b) downright hilarious and sad at the same time.

Holy neck-beard loser... a *sigh*... you serious? What a dumb way to try and sound superior.

This is my first and probably last post on cafepharma. I heard about this thread and had to come and take a peek.

*sigh* I can see why your guy "loves the poorly educated". You're embarrassing, even for one of his swag buying, flag flying, monthly $50.00 donating-minions.

I'll go slowly, and use small words and short sentences: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, ZS and others make multiple millions off of every single brand in this industry. They are the "go to" for pre-launch strategic planning. They are the "go to" for field force expansion. They are the "go to" for developing strategies for when our brands come close to LOE, and we try to figure out how to get a patent extension. They are the "go to" for field force contraction. And so much more!

For proof, if you really work here ask our brilliant Entivyo HCP brand team (sarcasm) how much they spent in the past 2 years on McKinsey (oh. sorry. HCP is abbreviation for healthcare practitioners or healthcare professionals. In this case, Doctors and Nurse Practitioners that are allowed to prescribe).
Your peoples' repeated finger pointing to communist countries' influence over everything here is a) projection (i.e. Tucker-Boys and MTG's constant and repeated fawning over Putin) and b) downright hilarious and sad at the same time.

Ha ha. “This my first post on Cafe Pharma.” Had to take a peek huh? STFU. Liar.

Someone is triggered. Aw poor baby can't go hide in their safe space?? Oh I'm sorry did I use the correct pronoun? Facts are facts and anytime companies like this come in, layoffs happen. It just so happens they hired a company who has worked with communists. I'll bet you your siblings gender reassignment that you are wrong. Go back to what you do best and find something else to be triggered and offended about. Then market it.

This is my first and probably last post on cafepharma. I heard about this thread and had to come and take a peek.

*sigh* I can see why your guy "loves the poorly educated". You're embarrassing, even for one of his swag buying, flag flying, monthly $50.00 donating-minions.

I'll go slowly, and use small words and short sentences: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, ZS and others make multiple millions off of every single brand in this industry. They are the "go to" for pre-launch strategic planning. They are the "go to" for field force expansion. They are the "go to" for developing strategies for when our brands come close to LOE, and we try to figure out how to get a patent extension. They are the "go to" for field force contraction. And so much more!

For proof, if you really work here ask our brilliant Entivyo HCP brand team (sarcasm) how much they spent in the past 2 years on McKinsey (oh. sorry. HCP is abbreviation for healthcare practitioners or healthcare professionals. In this case, Doctors and Nurse Practitioners that are allowed to prescribe).
Your peoples' repeated finger pointing to communist countries' influence over everything here is a) projection (i.e. Tucker-Boys and MTG's constant and repeated fawning over Putin) and b) downright hilarious and sad at the same time.

This person made it pretty obvious who they were. So it doesn't surprise how they try to sound "superior" because that's how they conduct themselves at work. Get off your high horse, you are a minion who isn't well liked because of your garbage attitude.

Holy neck-beard loser... a *sigh*... you serious? What a dumb way to try and sound superior.

Someone is triggered. Aw poor baby can't go hide in their safe space?? Oh I'm sorry did I use the correct pronoun? Facts are facts and anytime companies like this come in, layoffs happen. It just so happens they hired a company who has worked with communists. I'll bet you your siblings gender reassignment that you are wrong. Go back to what you do best and find something else to be triggered and offended about. Then market it.

"companies like this come in"? Several "companies like this" are on retainer here. I wouldn't doubt that Deloitte, McKinsey, Cantor and ZS are each billing us millions per year for everything to data analysis, field force strategy/management consulting, marketing strategy and so forth.

Huh? Are you new to the industry or something? Companies proactively enage the services of these companies and they do so quite frequently. It rarely ends without job loss.

"companies like this come in"? Several "companies like this" are on retainer here. I wouldn't doubt that Deloitte, McKinsey, Cantor and ZS are each billing us millions per year for everything to data analysis, field force strategy/management consulting, marketing strategy and so forth.

Huh? Are you new to the industry or something? Companies proactively enage the services of these companies and they do so quite frequently. It rarely ends without job loss.

It ends with programs like DEI and whatever bs narratives they can come up with to keep you sleep walking while they play an active role in the Marxist destruction of the US

Huh? Are you new to the industry or something? Companies proactively enage the services of these companies and they do so quite frequently. It rarely ends without job loss.
I think that you're wasting your time with this one. Their agenda is to plagiarize talking points from Levin or Ingraham or Carlson.
You'll see.