This is my first and probably last post on cafepharma. I heard about this thread and had to come and take a peek.
*sigh* I can see why your guy "loves the poorly educated". You're embarrassing, even for one of his swag buying, flag flying, monthly $50.00 donating-minions.
I'll go slowly, and use small words and short sentences: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, ZS and others make multiple millions off of every single brand in this industry. They are the "go to" for pre-launch strategic planning. They are the "go to" for field force expansion. They are the "go to" for developing strategies for when our brands come close to LOE, and we try to figure out how to get a patent extension. They are the "go to" for field force contraction. And so much more!
For proof, if you really work here ask our brilliant Entivyo HCP brand team (sarcasm) how much they spent in the past 2 years on McKinsey (oh. sorry. HCP is abbreviation for healthcare practitioners or healthcare professionals. In this case, Doctors and Nurse Practitioners that are allowed to prescribe).
Your peoples' repeated finger pointing to communist countries' influence over everything here is a) projection (i.e. Tucker-Boys and MTG's constant and repeated fawning over Putin) and b) downright hilarious and sad at the same time.