MCCO was a massive operations team WITH NO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT.

It was bizarre to see. For a brief moment in time they brought in good operation managers from the manufacturing function (PT) and they did a bang up job of saving Access Solutions bloated ass. In fact AS was almost outsourced right after the Roche acquisition.

But the old guard, ie AS leadership types that never worked anywhere else, complained, bitched and moaned. Eventually the ops mgrs left, then AS got bloated again, and all
that process engineering went out the window. New leadership, new stamp of that leadership, throw out the old for no reason other than putting your stamp on things.

MCCO had too many MCCO lifer managers. They as a group had little respect for process engineering, efficiency and building better capabilities with technology. It like an auto factory run by car salesmen.

MCCO was a massive operations team WITH NO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT.

It was bizarre to see. For a brief moment in time they brought in good operation managers from the manufacturing function (PT) and they did a bang up job of saving Access Solutions bloated ass. In fact AS was almost outsourced right after the Roche acquisition.

But the old guard, ie AS leadership types that never worked anywhere else, complained, bitched and moaned. Eventually the ops mgrs left, then AS got bloated again, and all
that process engineering went out the window. New leadership, new stamp of that leadership, throw out the old for no reason other than putting your stamp on things.

MCCO had too many MCCO lifer managers. They as a group had little respect for process engineering, efficiency and building better capabilities with technology. It like an auto factory run by car salesmen.

Access Solutions....ugh! That department is Greasy.

Big win for us in MCCO. Almost all the HED and HD roles were filled by MCCOers. It is no wonder they're killing off MCCO, we won the jobs sweepstakes.

You also win the douche bag award. SH is an ass and lacks integrity. How he is still employed is beyond me. Just a matter of time before his wife finds out about his extracurricular activities. Total disaster. If you are in Ohio take the package instead of working under this guy.

You also win the douche bag award. SH is an ass and lacks integrity. How he is still employed is beyond me. Just a matter of time before his wife finds out about his extracurricular activities. Total disaster. If you are in Ohio take the package instead of working under this guy.

We should blame the ones who selected these clowns in Ohio. Watch out for RW. She cannot spell integrity. Everyone on her team knows about it. It is hard to believe how they chose these people over some of the good DMs.

We should blame the ones who selected these clowns in Ohio. Watch out for RW. She cannot spell integrity. Everyone on her team knows about it. It is hard to believe how they chose these people over some of the good DMs.

This company is a disaster. Mandy B leading anything is comical. She cannot get a interview outside the company but gets the lead. Guess that’s wheat happened when you have Ian as a “mentor”.

We should blame the ones who selected these clowns in Ohio. Watch out for RW. She cannot spell integrity. Everyone on her team knows about it. It is hard to believe how they chose these people over some of the good DMs.

It appears that we have moles from our competitors sitting deep in our executive team. Their job is to destroy this sorry place.