MBA, MA, BS, AA or bust?

Even though a high school senior could basically do a rep job- the position still requires a bachelors degree. If you can pick up and drop off lunch and read a People magazine in a waiting room...that's the only skill set you need.

No, CTLs don't need an advanced degree and just about all of them don't have one. Again, a high school senior could do their jobs. If you know how to babysit, that is the only skill set you would need to be a CTL. Still, the Merck edict requires at least a bachelor's degree for this position as well.

I know it's unfair - why would I need a degree to do about 45 minutes of "work" a week? Well, life isn't fair.

What's the deal with managers and reps, do all the reps have a college degree? Do all managers have a second degree?

Needing a second degree to be a CLT is like requiring a kindergarten teacher to have a degree in quantum mechanics. What's sad is that as imbecilic as the CTL job is they still seem to struggle mightily with all the simple tasks of managing 7-9 people. Please, can someone help me with this conundrum?

Wow, this settles it! No need for the backbiting reps to spread the bs that their degree is better than yours. Give em' a Na, Na, Na, Na.

Heck, anyone call sell! History teacher, steno-queen, chemist, nurse, marketing wiz or sanitary engineer...everyone can sell!

pssst...last I heard the basket weaver grad was the lead for VP award!

I can never understand how people come up with these wild ideas. Some think a business major is so much better than some other major. Others think the best reps are people who know medicine, health, nursing, drugs, chemistry, but really, any major can work just as well.

The business analysis used by sales people is not high end at all. It doesn't include complex functions known in most business circles. All we need to know its elementary business and the most simple levels of excel. And as far as medicine, most of the time the background you think we need is not needed at all. A health background is just icing on the cake.

There is so much nonsense amongst some of the odd ball reps. One trying to cut down the other. People with issues who cant accept that other people are just as capable as anyone else.