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MBA - case study on AZaster


I'm not with AZ... But am a DM at another company. Believe it or not at Anderson School of Management at UCLA there is a case study on the absolutely utter mismanagement by AZ upper echelon. More like a cautionary tale for what happens in business when you fuck up! Yep you guys are in the right company. Not!!!

I'm not with AZ... But am a DM at another company. Believe it or not at Anderson School of Management at UCLA there is a case study on the absolutely utter mismanagement by AZ upper echelon. More like a cautionary tale for what happens in business when you fuck up! Yep you guys are in the right company. Not!!!

If there is ANY WAY you can put it on CafePharma, we would all love to read it. Sounds like it just validates everything that has been said about management here on CP!

every MBA study will have AZ as a chapter of company gone bad. MBA programs do papers on this kind of utter incompetence. The amazing part is how few people in this company in "leadership" have any advanced degrees. Shows you that they were way over their heads.

There are many extremely bright people without advanced degrees that do great things. However, these guys are not amongst them. They simply do not understand the business they are running into the ground. I'm not so sure they originally had bad intent, but regardless they ruined AZ through ignorance and short term thinking.

too much MBA text-book inspired leadership been going on at AZ in recent year if you ask me. A lot of AZ's problems can be attributed to the Jack Welch inspired 'performance culture' that AZ now has.

too much MBA text-book inspired leadership been going on at AZ in recent year if you ask me. A lot of AZ's problems can be attributed to the Jack Welch inspired 'performance culture' that AZ now has.

GE is only now beginning to recover from Jack Welch. Their ruthless culture, destruction of R&D, and focus on cash all led to it's failure. They essentially became a run off business and a bank, and they would now be out of business except for being bailed out by the government in 2009. Jack Welch destroyed the great company that once was GE. GE Capital was left holding the bag for losing credit default swaps and mortgage backed securities.

I have always said that AZ is one of the biggest Mickey Mouse operations out there. That is why the shaky foundation is now crumbling.....built on shaky ground with unqualified people.

Our leadership would not excel higher than DSM's if they were at other pharma companies. Brennan would not have made it past regional upper management with another company. We were built on rejects from other pharma organizations.