Maybe You Weren’t as Good as You Thought You Were


I sat for days watching the posts about how the realignment was all about diversity, or your manager didn’t like you or a thousand other reasons. Maybe the reason was that you weren’t that good. Every year when the end of the year rolls around and we begin the year end review process (when we actually had one) 90% of the teams answer is I’m a “Leading” Ma’am. Really, 25 of your 140 targets have written. “Well that’s a managed care issue” I’m a “Leading”. You’re really not respected or valued by your peers. “I’m a Leading”. Your last 5 ratings have been “Meets Expectations” or “Well on Track”. Can you explain that? Again, “I’m a Leading” Ma’am.
At the end of the day maybe you just weren’t that good!! Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. How good are you when you have best in class medications and a 5,10,15,20, or even a 50% market share?

At the end of the day I guess I’m “Leading” up to saying maybe you weren’t that good and a little self reflection May level set how value you actually brought to the table. Of course the majority of responses will be from those who lack self awareness so probably not going to get many reasonable responses.


I sat for days watching the posts about how the realignment was all about diversity, or your manager didn’t like you or a thousand other reasons. Maybe the reason was that you weren’t that good. Every year when the end of the year rolls around and we begin the year end review process (when we actually had one) 90% of the teams answer is I’m a “Leading” Ma’am. Really, 25 of your 140 targets have written. “Well that’s a managed care issue” I’m a “Leading”. You’re really not respected or valued by your peers. “I’m a Leading”. Your last 5 ratings have been “Meets Expectations” or “Well on Track”. Can you explain that? Again, “I’m a Leading” Ma’am.
At the end of the day maybe you just weren’t that good!! Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. How good are you when you have best in class medications and a 5,10,15,20, or even a 50% market share?

At the end of the day I guess I’m “Leading” up to saying maybe you weren’t that good and a little self reflection May level set how value you actually brought to the table. Of course the majority of responses will be from those who lack self awareness so probably not going to get many reasonable responses.

you are an asshole. Karma ain’t a name in India. I hope it bites your ass sooner rather than later.

I sat for days watching the posts about how the realignment was all about diversity, or your manager didn’t like you or a thousand other reasons. Maybe the reason was that you weren’t that good. Every year when the end of the year rolls around and we begin the year end review process (when we actually had one) 90% of the teams answer is I’m a “Leading” Ma’am. Really, 25 of your 140 targets have written. “Well that’s a managed care issue” I’m a “Leading”. You’re really not respected or valued by your peers. “I’m a Leading”. Your last 5 ratings have been “Meets Expectations” or “Well on Track”. Can you explain that? Again, “I’m a Leading” Ma’am.
At the end of the day maybe you just weren’t that good!! Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. How good are you when you have best in class medications and a 5,10,15,20, or even a 50% market share?

At the end of the day I guess I’m “Leading” up to saying maybe you weren’t that good and a little self reflection May level set how value you actually brought to the table. Of course the majority of responses will be from those who lack self awareness so probably not going to get many reasonable responses.

I sat for days watching the posts about how the realignment was all about diversity, or your manager didn’t like you or a thousand other reasons. Maybe the reason was that you weren’t that good. Every year when the end of the year rolls around and we begin the year end review process (when we actually had one) 90% of the teams answer is I’m a “Leading” Ma’am. Really, 25 of your 140 targets have written. “Well that’s a managed care issue” I’m a “Leading”. You’re really not respected or valued by your peers. “I’m a Leading”. Your last 5 ratings have been “Meets Expectations” or “Well on Track”. Can you explain that? Again, “I’m a Leading” Ma’am.
At the end of the day maybe you just weren’t that good!! Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. How good are you when you have best in class medications and a 5,10,15,20, or even a 50% market share?

At the end of the day I guess I’m “Leading” up to saying maybe you weren’t that good and a little self reflection May level set how value you actually brought to the table. Of course the majority of responses will be from those who lack self awareness so probably not going to get many reasonable responses.
You have the rest of your like to be a dickhead- why not take a day off ?

Well said. I know a lot of my fellow Reps that couldn’t sell ice in Hell!!!! Most of us aren’t as good as we think we are. We do make a lot of dough for the 20 minutes or so we actually work each day. Unless you have a lunch then it’s an hour and 20 minutes of work. My golf game has never been better.

I sat for days watching the posts about how the realignment was all about diversity, or your manager didn’t like you or a thousand other reasons. Maybe the reason was that you weren’t that good. Every year when the end of the year rolls around and we begin the year end review process (when we actually had one) 90% of the teams answer is I’m a “Leading” Ma’am. Really, 25 of your 140 targets have written. “Well that’s a managed care issue” I’m a “Leading”. You’re really not respected or valued by your peers. “I’m a Leading”. Your last 5 ratings have been “Meets Expectations” or “Well on Track”. Can you explain that? Again, “I’m a Leading” Ma’am.
At the end of the day maybe you just weren’t that good!! Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt. How good are you when you have best in class medications and a 5,10,15,20, or even a 50% market share?

At the end of the day I guess I’m “Leading” up to saying maybe you weren’t that good and a little self reflection May level set how value you actually brought to the table. Of course the majority of responses will be from those who lack self awareness so probably not going to get many reasonable responses.

You are a clueless fool.

In pharma and almost all larger companies and public traded companies, you are at the mercy of the System.

Nobody cares "how good you are". That is a metric that doesn't exist. I know top performers that were let go after decades of success.

At the end of the day, its a terrible industry to be in. The track record of fines from these companies prove that. The many downsizings over the years prove that.

You are just too dumb to comprehend this, and that is why you make one of the worst comments in the history of this website.

Well said. I know a lot of my fellow Reps that couldn’t sell ice in Hell!!!! Most of us aren’t as good as we think we are. We do make a lot of dough for the 20 minutes or so we actually work each day. Unless you have a lunch then it’s an hour and 20 minutes of work. My golf game has never been better.

Poorly written post and you are clearly not a rep, at least not here. The days of golfing and paper sample slips are long gone, don't know about you but gave up golfing over 10 years ago. Many in HQ and elsewhere don't understand the hours that are put into this job- I will say by most of us.

You are a clueless fool.

In pharma and almost all larger companies and public traded companies, you are at the mercy of the System.

Nobody cares "how good you are". That is a metric that doesn't exist. I know top performers that were let go after decades of success.

At the end of the day, its a terrible industry to be in. The track record of fines from these companies prove that. The many downsizings over the years prove that.

You are just too dumb to comprehend this, and that is why you make one of the worst comments in the history of this website.

What a self-serving post! All these bad things happen because of the SYSTEM - poor you...just a victim of these terrible companies in this terrible industry. It doesn’t matter how good you are at your job, the system decides what happens to you, huh? I guess you answered the question - you’re not as good as you thought you were. Poor you!!

What a self-serving post! All these bad things happen because of the SYSTEM - poor you...just a victim of these terrible companies in this terrible industry. It doesn’t matter how good you are at your job, the system decides what happens to you, huh? I guess you answered the question - you’re not as good as you thought you were. Poor you!!

the difference is that I live in Reality.

You live in a Fantasy Fiction world of white picket fences, women are angels, and companies have integrity.