The fact is CENTCOM and U.S. State Department reports, satellite imagery, and infrared, and other means of surveillance confirm that Israel is doing a fantastic job with targeting under the circumstances.
In reality very few "non-jihadist" "Palestinians who only want to live their lives" have actually been killed (by Israel), with the exception of innocent children that Hamas uses as shields. Non-jihadists do not collaborate with, shelter, or otherwise aid and abet terrorists. They do not transport or hide hostages. They do not help store weapons in or under schools and hospitals. Innocents do not use women and children as shields.
The problem is the Gaza Ministry of Health (Hamas) labels all deaths "Palestinians" or "Civilians", when in realty most are Hamas fighters and female collaborators. Some of the klled reported as women are turning out to be men. And the children, the real victims here, are captive shields put in harms way by...Hamas, who keeps the kids where the fighters hide and cache weapons. But organizations like the U.N.R.W.A., Amnesty International, and Al Jazeera (Qataris who sympathize with the jihadists and who were so blatantly lying and inflaming the situation that they have been recently banned by...the PLA!), take the Hamas propaganda and "data" and run. No independent verification whatsover. Hamas says "50 Palestinians" killed and that is what is parroted. Nevermind that 25 of them were Hamas fighters, 10 were Hamas female collaborators, and 15 were captive child shields.
Unlike the Viet Cong, who forced peaceful civilians, often farming communities who wanted no part of the war, to feed and house the fighters, over a much larger land mass, the Palestinian Gaza and West Bank population is one of the most radicalized and indoctrinated populations on the planet, squeezed into a tiny piece of land. They are literally taught from birth to hate and to kill Jews and destroy Israel. They are taught at home, in their schools, in their mosques. Many of them are complicit and are not truly innocent (no more innocent than the German civilians who ratted out Jews to the Gestapo or who used Jewish slave labor).