Maybe Fox finally gets it?


Conservative Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren ignited a round of debate after making a case that overturning Roe Vs Wade would be a big mistake.

Lahren, in a “Final Thoughts” segment on the networ Saturday, argued that any attempt to overturn the landmark 1973 case that legalized abortion across the U.S. would be unlikely to succeed and would instead further divide the nation.

She cited a recent Quinnipiac poll that found that most Americans favor keeping abortions legal.

“We lose when we start tampering with social issues,” she said. “Do we really want to fight for this, alienate Democrats, moderates and Libertarians all to lose in the end anyway? That’s a risk that I don’t think is worth taking.

Stand up for women's rights.


Conservative Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren ignited a round of debate after making a case that overturning Roe Vs Wade would be a big mistake.

Lahren, in a “Final Thoughts” segment on the networ Saturday, argued that any attempt to overturn the landmark 1973 case that legalized abortion across the U.S. would be unlikely to succeed and would instead further divide the nation.

She cited a recent Quinnipiac poll that found that most Americans favor keeping abortions legal.

“We lose when we start tampering with social issues,” she said. “Do we really want to fight for this, alienate Democrats, moderates and Libertarians all to lose in the end anyway? That’s a risk that I don’t think is worth taking.

Stand up for women's rights.

We need more of us women on SCOTUS !!! Let's be fair !!!

Conservative Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren ignited a round of debate after making a case that overturning Roe Vs Wade would be a big mistake.

Lahren, in a “Final Thoughts” segment on the networ Saturday, argued that any attempt to overturn the landmark 1973 case that legalized abortion across the U.S. would be unlikely to succeed and would instead further divide the nation.

She cited a recent Quinnipiac poll that found that most Americans favor keeping abortions legal.

“We lose when we start tampering with social issues,” she said. “Do we really want to fight for this, alienate Democrats, moderates and Libertarians all to lose in the end anyway? That’s a risk that I don’t think is worth taking.

Stand up for women's rights.

Roe is a horrendous decision and an insult to our system of government. It needs to be overturned and likely will be after Trump makes his selection today.

Most people are pro-life in most situations and that number is increasing.

Trump said he would appoint pro-life, strict constructionist judges. He’s been pretty much true to his word so far.

Roe is likely headed for the scrap heap where it belongs.

This liberal legal expert certainly thinks so.

It’s going to be fun watching you liberals squirm.

He just ruled the woman out - the abortion business goes back to Mexico.

Not to worry, two Republican Senators want to keep Roe Vs Wade intact. Trump knows this an he doesn't give a shit either so he will be happy to let it ride as long as h gets his other shit like the way this guy believes the Consumer Protection Bureau is unconstitutional. In other words, in his mind, ripping peoples' money off should be OK - after all he did it with Trump University:

Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican who supports abortion rights, said last week that she would not support someone who would overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that protects a woman’s right to have an abortion.

“I believe very much that Roe v. Wade is settled law,” Collins said on ABC’s “This Week.” “A candidate who would overturn Roe v. Wade would not be acceptable to me, because that would indicate an activist agenda that I don’t want to see a judge have.”

Collins and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, were among five GOP senators who met with Trump last month to discuss the Supreme Court vacancy. Both are seen as key swing votes.

Not to worry, two Republican Senators want to keep Roe Vs Wade intact. Trump knows this an he doesn't give a shit either so he will be happy to let it ride as long as h gets his other shit like the way this guy believes the Consumer Protection Bureau is unconstitutional. In other words, in his mind, ripping peoples' money off should be OK - after all he did it with Trump University:

Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican who supports abortion rights, said last week that she would not support someone who would overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that protects a woman’s right to have an abortion.

“I believe very much that Roe v. Wade is settled law,” Collins said on ABC’s “This Week.” “A candidate who would overturn Roe v. Wade would not be acceptable to me, because that would indicate an activist agenda that I don’t want to see a judge have.”

Collins and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, were among five GOP senators who met with Trump last month to discuss the Supreme Court vacancy. Both are seen as key swing votes.

LOL! Keep sucking that thumb to comfort yourself.

Trump won’t need those traitors as there are at least about 5 Dem senators in red states - some of which Trump carried by very impressive margins, up for re-election this fall. They would likely be signing their political death warrant to vote against ANY Trump nominee regardless of how pro-life they are.

So Trump will still have the 51 votes he needs for his nominee.

LOL! Keep sucking that thumb to comfort yourself.

Trump won’t need those traitors as there are at least about 5 Dem senators in red states - some of which Trump carried by very impressive margins, up for re-election this fall. They would likely be signing their political death warrant to vote against ANY Trump nominee regardless of how pro-life they are.

So Trump will still have the 51 votes he needs for his nominee.

Kavanaugh should be confirmed. He's another deep-state guy and will not overturn Roe vs Wade but will keep our primary conservative values.

Kavanaugh should be confirmed. He's another deep-state guy and will not overturn Roe vs Wade but will keep our primary conservative values.

You’re right. After much sound and fury ie temper tantrum by the Dems, he will fairly easily be confirmed.

It’s funny how you throw the term “deep state” around so carelessly though.

As a strict constructionist if he stays true to his philosophy he will have no choice but to overturn Roe. As a strict constructionist he will likely not bow down to the libtard Golden Calf of stare decisis.

You’re right. After much sound and fury ie temper tantrum by the Dems, he will fairly easily be confirmed.

It’s funny how you throw the term “deep state” around so carelessly though.

As a strict constructionist if he stays true to his philosophy he will have no choice but to overturn Roe. As a strict constructionist he will likely not bow down to the libtard Golden Calf of stare decisis.

Could be but remember, he was a Bushie so 'Deep State' may apply. TBD ;)

No. You’re acting crazy. For someone of his age there have been no Republican presidents to in any way be involved with but the Bushes. So throwing around the term deep state is totally silly.

You are f*cking dumber than a box of rocks:

The nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, 53, a federal appeals court judge, former aide to President George W. Bush and onetime investigator of President Bill Clinton, was not a huge surprise, given his conservative record, elite credentials and deep ties among the Republican legal groups that have advanced conservatives for the federal :pbench.

You are f*cking dumber than a box of rocks:

The nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, 53, a federal appeals court judge, former aide to President George W. Bush and onetime investigator of President Bill Clinton, was not a huge surprise, given his conservative record, elite credentials and deep ties among the Republican legal groups that have advanced conservatives for the federal :pbench.

Put in a Democrat’s name, record, ties, etc. and you can say the same thing about a Democratic choice. Obama’s shoved his 2 through, Trump should get his 2.

You are f*cking dumber than a box of rocks:

The nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, 53, a federal appeals court judge, former aide to President George W. Bush and onetime investigator of President Bill Clinton, was not a huge surprise, given his conservative record, elite credentials and deep ties among the Republican legal groups that have advanced conservatives for the federal :pbench.

And here's more..

An article Kavanaugh wrote in 2009 for the Minnesota Law Review, said former President Bill Clinton should never have been investigated while in the White House, because indicting a president still in office is a major distraction, "especially in times of financial or national-security crisis."

This is the primary reason he nominated him. He wants that applied to himself knowing he fucked up...…...:p

You are f*cking dumber than a box of rocks:

The nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, 53, a federal appeals court judge, former aide to President George W. Bush and onetime investigator of President Bill Clinton, was not a huge surprise, given his conservative record, elite credentials and deep ties among the Republican legal groups that have advanced conservatives for the federal :pbench.

You really are ignorant. You don’t know anything about his judicial opinions or his judicial philosophy. If you did you would know that he is the polar opposite of a swamp creature. You can’t be faithful to the constitution and the separation of powers and be involved in rolling the regulatory state back as he is and be a swamp creature. Case closed. :p:p:p

You really are ignorant. You don’t know anything about his judicial opinions or his judicial philosophy. If you did you would know that he is the polar opposite of a swamp creature. You can’t be faithful to the constitution and the separation of powers and be involved in rolling the regulatory state back as he is and be a swamp creature. Case closed. :p:p:p

He's a Bushie, case closed. :rolleyes:

You really are ignorant. You don’t know anything about his judicial opinions or his judicial philosophy. If you did you would know that he is the polar opposite of a swamp creature. You can’t be faithful to the constitution and the separation of powers and be involved in rolling the regulatory state back as he is and be a swamp creature. Case closed. :p:p:p

Settled law is settled law.