Maternity leave is a joke!


Don't even think about interviewing to work with these guys if you ever plan on having a baby. They have the WORST maternity leave of any company I've ever worked for. Basically 6 weeks at 70 pct pay then nothing!!! It's a male dominated company still and women join there then are very disappointed once they hear the ridiculous policy they have in place. Consider all your options and benefits before taking a job with Liposcience if you're a woman. This is why I left and why most do after they have a baby. They don't realize what's considered normal these days.

Don't even think about interviewing to work with these guys if you ever plan on having a baby. They have the WORST maternity leave of any company I've ever worked for. Basically 6 weeks at 70 pct pay then nothing!!! It's a male dominated company still and women join there then are very disappointed once they hear the ridiculous policy they have in place. Consider all your options and benefits before taking a job with Liposcience if you're a woman. This is why I left and why most do after they have a baby. They don't realize what's considered normal these days.

Not sure why you would need more than 2 days maternity. Pop that baby out and get your butt back to work calling on offices. It drives me crazy when women take weeks off to have a kid. Giving birth- sure it's tough but do you really need 6 weeks off?? 1 day to get to the hospital and have the thing yanked out, 1 day to get home and then you should be back to work. Stop complaining and making excuses. Go out and sell, hell, bring the baby with you if you think it will help.

Not sure why you would need more than 2 days maternity. Pop that baby out and get your butt back to work calling on offices. It drives me crazy when women take weeks off to have a kid. Giving birth- sure it's tough but do you really need 6 weeks off?? 1 day to get to the hospital and have the thing yanked out, 1 day to get home and then you should be back to work. Stop complaining and making excuses. Go out and sell, hell, bring the baby with you if you think it will help.

I assume that you are attempting humor. Or are you really that much of a jerk?

Heard they let go of a pregnant girl and another quit herself. Definitely don't want to work here if you're a female. They are not understanding about pregnancy. Their maternity leave is not up to standard with other medical companies. They're bout to go out of business anyway. Pass on this place. Especially if female.

Most chicks can't sell anyway. All they want to do is use their feminism to woo the docs, and maybe land one if single....that way they don't have to work anymore.

The one in South Florida never worked anyway before maternity leave.

I love when guys are jealous of our boobs. Only an unfortunate looking male would claim chicks can't sell....and it's no secret that the male reps at Liposcience are complete dogs.

Anyway, you are right about one thing...the south FL rep never worked. Good point.

And back to the OP, yes, maternity leave here does, in fact, blow. My manager called me about ten times the first week I was gone and I ended up seeing clients by week 3, because I was so sick of hearing from management.