Mass exodus to Questcor and Genzyme WTH....?


Big pharma pods with expansion will be perfect scenerio for big pharma buyout of company. Then they will layoff all tenured reps and replace them with low salary newbies from the expansion. Perfect storm!!!

Great strategy hire low priced rep partner him with executive ABM. New rep builds relationship then manage out high priced rep. It's already going how many new faces did you see at the last meeting.

You want to know why people are leaving? The big pharma mentality and the attitude that people don't matter. Well you know what you get with that kind of management? People who do the bare minimum because they are not empowered to do anything. I had a conversation with a Biogen rep and they basically told me the only time they would be able to work is when their manager rides with them. Because there are not enough accounts to see and his partners will be taking their manager to all the same accounts. I on the other hand work for Questcor, have been given tons of autonomy and I work my A$$ off. I have dinners planned for 3 out of 4 Friday nights over the next month. Why? Because I LOVE MY JOB!!!! Who at Biogen can say that? Now is your chance, for those that have skill, to get out.

Great post. I have seen so many great ABM's leave or get pushed out. If you make over 130k watch out they will target you after BG12 is a blockbuster. Why would they need you anymore. I plan on jumping ship very soon.

The scary thing is no counter offers when ppl say they are leaving. Chucky wants you gone. He gets rid of your big salary and it's less complicated than firing you!!! Times have certainly changed.

The scary thing is no counter offers when ppl say they are leaving. Chucky wants you gone. He gets rid of your big salary and it's less complicated than firing you!!! Times have certainly changed.

LOL counter offers?????? You are in PHARMA SALES!!!! What planet do you live on??? Your industry is dying a quick death, you become less valuable and have less impact on customers as each month passes, this disease state is becoming so competitive due to so many competitors in the mkt and soon to enter the mkt, managed care runs everything in the RX world. Do you think youre a CEO, VP or have some sort of unique quality or skill set that only a few people bring to the table??? Seriously get a clue!! Counter offers....LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

Wow, I sell Rebif and we are all scared of BG12...I am shocked people are leaving for Genzyme. Did you see the data on both of their drugs? Both have head to head w Rebif but one is less effective and the other was more effective but with dangerous side effects. I wouldn't move there. I heard Biogen won't consider Serono employees due to the non-compete they made us sign. Any comments? What is the split in weighting for Av and Bg12 for the new expansion employees?

Wow, I sell Rebif and we are all scared of BG12...I am shocked people are leaving for Genzyme. Did you see the data on both of their drugs? Both have head to head w Rebif but one is less effective and the other was more effective but with dangerous side effects. I wouldn't move there. I heard Biogen won't consider Serono employees due to the non-compete they made us sign. Any comments? What is the split in weighting for Av and Bg12 for the new expansion employees?

You need to relook at the data. Genzyme's products will fulfill a need. Betaseron, Copaxone, Avonex, Rebif ALL do over a billion a is all a matter of positioning. Tysabri will take a major hit from Lemtrada.....

You want to know why people are leaving? The big pharma mentality and the attitude that people don't matter. Well you know what you get with that kind of management? People who do the bare minimum because they are not empowered to do anything. I had a conversation with a Biogen rep and they basically told me the only time they would be able to work is when their manager rides with them. Because there are not enough accounts to see and his partners will be taking their manager to all the same accounts. I on the other hand work for Questcor, have been given tons of autonomy and I work my A$$ off. I have dinners planned for 3 out of 4 Friday nights over the next month. Why? Because I LOVE MY JOB!!!! Who at Biogen can say that? Now is your chance, for those that have skill, to get out.

Great! you got to feel real good selling a drug that treats epilepsy in babies and jacking up the price from $2500 to $25,000. All you do is grease the right people to prescribe a 50 yr old dog. What steroids don't work anymore? Acthar Gel is really filling an unmet medical need. Right! Enjoy your dinners and your autonomy. You got a year or two left. Ever hear of a thing called healthcare reform? or conscience?

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