So many of us will leave for Gilead that they might as well shut this thing down before it launches. Already talked with JB- I'm outta here. Good luck to those that don't make the cut to Gilead!
Now this is funny... Who cares we hope everyone of you leave... We get 1,000 resumes a month for your jobs... How insecure you must be to think that these type comments cause worry...
There... are... thousands... of ...unemployed... oncology ...reps... dying... to... have ...your job, ...and... for ...less We... will ...have ...500 ...resumes... for... your ...job... within ...24... hours... of ...posting ...for... it. Do... you... really... think... its... about ...YOU and... not... THE DRUG?!
You are all taking yourselves too seriously. Genentech lost its cache a long time ago and Gilead is another Big Pharma Biotech company. Jon B? "Yes" guy that will be told what to do
and how to manage at Gilead. For those of you that leave Genentech for Gilead it may be one
shade of gray better but don't fool yourself to think you are going to a cool biotech start up.
You are all taking yourselves too seriously. Genentech lost its cache a long time ago and Gilead is another Big Pharma Biotech company. Jon B? "Yes" guy that will be told what to do
and how to manage at Gilead. For those of you that leave Genentech for Gilead it may be one
shade of gray better but don't fool yourself to think you are going to a cool biotech start up.!
Hem/Oncs allow access to reps with new drugs and new indications and occasionally because they really like them and/or the skirt length is just right. The sunshine act reinforces to MDs that they should only create access to reps if it critical.
Genentech and Gilead will both have new drugs so Docs will see them so stop the chest beating that it is all about relationships - there are 10,000 unemployed biotech and pharma reps whose "indispensable relationships" were throw out the window when executive management decided to cut cost. Stop your whining, develop some real skills that create value in any industry as you may need them sooner than you think superstar.
Amen! Right on Point!