Frat Boys stop with the continuous misogynistic posts on every female leader at Shire/Takeda!! Fortunately, Takeda has a zero tolerance policy against bullying!!
Frat Boys stop with the continuous misogynistic posts on every female leader at Shire/Takeda!! Fortunately, Takeda has a zero tolerance policy against bullying!!
Your comments lose effectiveness when you constantly post the same thing anytime a woman is mentioned in a derogatory way.
And your vehement dislike of fraternities is so juvenile. Get shafted?
Frat Boys stop with the continuous misogynistic posts on every female leader at Shire/Takeda!! Fortunately, Takeda has a zero tolerance policy against bullying!!
X IS bankrupt - so happy I left I can't see how we actually ever made a profit - how much do you think all those stupid commercials and our way too big salesforce cost???
X IS bankrupt - so happy I left I can't see how we actually ever made a profit - how much do you think all those stupid commercials and our way too big salesforce cost???