Marketshare, size of company, profits


Since WP and Valeant purchase of B+L how does B+L measure up to marketshare, size of company and profits.

Is there an objective read on these metrics. My guess is all of these metrics are way down since the purchase by WP.

Truthfully, the financials are anybody's guess since B+L never went public. The company could say one thing to the sales force but show another on the books. Nobody would be the wiser.

Marketshare -- probably down

size of company-- smaller

profits--anyone's guess probably in the short run better if they cut marketing and D&R as much as planned.

The future. Smaller, less people, less profits, and since they do not do marketing a significant drop in market share.

By cutting everything ,of course ... On paper... Things will look good but with no pipeline, less sales force ( and lets be honest here, they have kept a very inexperienced bunch, who know jack shit doing the job of many) growth will not be achieved!!! Fact!! Then more management
Changes, causing more confusion yet again & the circle continues.
Valeant Worst company EVER to work for...

All of the CEOs at Bausch for the last 20 years have been complete failures. All of the go private to WP, sell to Valeant, have just been a way to coverup the books so the public could not see what complete losers they have really been.

Bottom line. Bausch is a smaller, less profitable, less competitive, company as a result of the shenanigans of past CEOs that have made a lot of money at B+Ls expense.

B+L CEOs should all go into the Loser Hall of Fame/Shame for incompetent poor management.

Valeant's mgt team ain't much better, many are related to Pearson, his brother in law being one not to mention his buddy's son from J&J...Weldon.....insider trading is also rampant!

All of the CEOs at Bausch for the last 20 years have been complete failures. All of the go private to WP, sell to Valeant, have just been a way to coverup the books so the public could not see what complete losers they have really been.

Bottom line. Bausch is a smaller, less profitable, less competitive, company as a result of the shenanigans of past CEOs that have made a lot of money at B+Ls expense.

B+L CEOs should all go into the Loser Hall of Fame/Shame for incompetent poor management.

Hmmm. Brent just exited selling the company for $8.7B. Not sure of your facts there.

Hmmm. Brent just exited selling the company for $8.7B. Not sure of your facts there.

So if Brent built such a successful company why are so many people getting laid off? B+L is shrinking its workforce to pay for mismanagement.

Good job Brent. Much more success in the future of shrinking companies and having the company forced to lay off to cover your loser management style and ethics.

So if Brent built such a successful company why are so many people getting laid off? B+L is shrinking its workforce to pay for mismanagement.

Good job Brent. Much more success in the future of shrinking companies and having the company forced to lay off to cover your loser management style and ethics.

Brent didn't shrink the company at all. Under his management, there were more new vice-president positions created out of thin air than ever before - there were at least 2 new levels of directors created so that by the time you got from hourly production worker who actually creates value for the customer to the CEO, you had at least 13 layers of indirect overhead who's value added was NEGATIVE. Valeant shrunk the company, not Brent or WP.

Whether WP made a profit off B+L is debatable as WP will never post the real numbers for what they put into the company and what they got out of it.

A company that gets handed off to one company to the next is usually not in the BIG SUCCESS category.

Valeant now has it. To measure success the profits have to improve as B+L is now part of a public company. Short term spikes in profits are possible by raising prices and cutting employees. Profits look real good in the short term. Two, three years from now if the profits go down due to a failure to have an eye on the future then the company shrinks yet again.

If you are an investor just make sure you have your finger close to the sell button on this stock. Once the winds chance it will go down hard and fast.

Brent's organization is so bad that Valeant has to gut the organization in order to make it profitable. Not a good measure of success.

No, Valeant is cutting because that is what they do. They already had corporate and regional organization, so they didn't need two. But it's mostly because that's all they know to do.

first off it was fred not brent that set B&L is motion for sale. 1st rule, pump up head count. company flip 101. this wasn't warburg's 1st rodeo. 2nd rule, suck out the cash, warburg took money out during their reign. they made money, lots of it. round numbers, they bought B&L for 4 billion, basically used 1 of their own and took over existing debt, took out close to a billion over the years they controlled, mostly at the end. paid themselves back, then sold, for 8 billion, paid off debt and pocketed billions. not a bad return on a 5 year billion dollar investment. probably close to 100% annual return over 5 years. 5 billion if my math is right. did brent do that. no. wp and fred did that. so why did valeant buy B&L. was it a great purchase. no. But we all know valeant's model at this point. they over pay for revenue to add to the books. they have cheap money and lots of it.

first off it was fred not brent that set B&L is motion for sale. 1st rule, pump up head count. company flip 101. this wasn't warburg's 1st rodeo. 2nd rule, suck out the cash, warburg took money out during their reign. they made money, lots of it. round numbers, they bought B&L for 4 billion, basically used 1 of their own and took over existing debt, took out close to a billion over the years they controlled, mostly at the end. paid themselves back, then sold, for 8 billion, paid off debt and pocketed billions. not a bad return on a 5 year billion dollar investment. probably close to 100% annual return over 5 years. 5 billion if my math is right. did brent do that. no. wp and fred did that. so why did valeant buy B&L. was it a great purchase. no. But we all know valeant's model at this point. they over pay for revenue to add to the books. they have cheap money and lots of it.

Hard to be a cheerleader of a man that created the organization that in the end is now laying off boatloads of people. Blame WP, Valeant or Fred. Brent is as much a part of this as all of them. He was the CEO of a major company and did not look out for the people who worked for him. In the end he took care of his salary and sold B+L to a company that is notorious for wiping out jobs and the long-term future of companies.

If you are just the driver of the get away car you still robbed the bank even though you physically never entered the bank.