first off it was fred not brent that set B&L is motion for sale. 1st rule, pump up head count. company flip 101. this wasn't warburg's 1st rodeo. 2nd rule, suck out the cash, warburg took money out during their reign. they made money, lots of it. round numbers, they bought B&L for 4 billion, basically used 1 of their own and took over existing debt, took out close to a billion over the years they controlled, mostly at the end. paid themselves back, then sold, for 8 billion, paid off debt and pocketed billions. not a bad return on a 5 year billion dollar investment. probably close to 100% annual return over 5 years. 5 billion if my math is right. did brent do that. no. wp and fred did that. so why did valeant buy B&L. was it a great purchase. no. But we all know valeant's model at this point. they over pay for revenue to add to the books. they have cheap money and lots of it.