
Marketing is key in CV, well paid, and really work well with the sales team. Always willing to help the sales team close business. They spend most of their time in front of customers in the OR, learning about the sales cycle, and how to gain market share. This first class team is one of the best, because they hire the best. This is truly the place to be!

Not sure what op is referring to but maybe the hot project manager babe? And how is that Brit chick still here she's mean.

I can think of one definite hottie, but that's it. Pretty sure the "mean" chick is still here. Marketing would suck working for her and living in lehigh valley? I'd rather live in north Dakota or kentucky

REALLY, so since Gyrus boys are running the company I have to assume you also came from there . So if so what are you going to do about LESS, that was suppose to take us to the promised land.

Marketing is key in CV, well paid, and really work well with the sales team. Always willing to help the sales team close business. They spend most of their time in front of customers in the OR, learning about the sales cycle, and how to gain market share. This first class team is one of the best, because they hire the best. This is truly the place to be!

This may be the funniest post I have EVER seen.....Hey I have an idea lets hire "fellows" pay them significantly less than their counterparts with other companies but give them "product manager" titles! Its a FULL PROOF PLAN!

And how do they know how to gain market share?!?! They only visit accounts that are in the pocket of OAI. What a joke.

Marketing is key in CV, well paid, and really work well with the sales team. Always willing to help the sales team close business. They spend most of their time in front of customers in the OR, learning about the sales cycle, and how to gain market share. This first class team is one of the best, because they hire the best. This is truly the place to be!

MARKETING TEAM---get back to work!!! Get that tongue out of your cheek, too....