I heard this week that the marketing team was being sued for sexual harassment by an employee that was let go? True or False
I heard this week that the marketing team was being sued for sexual harassment by an employee that was let go? True or False
I heard this week that the marketing team was being sued for sexual harassment by an employee that was let go? True or False
How did nothing happen with this? HR sucks
It was clearly harassment. I was there and she had a case. Good ole boy protection agency. He would of been fired if he was back at JnJ.
How has nothing happened with Mitch Gold and all the others who sold stock while it was falsely inflated by a projection that had no basis in reality and information they knew regarding "cost density" that the public did not know? That's even a more salient question.
Marie Huber gets punished and Gold trades biotech under Alpine Biosciences.
Does anyone know the outcome of what happened to our marketing team?
So True. Everyone knows its not BS. You can try to talk yourself into thinking it didn't happen. Your telling me if we went into HR files nothing would appear? Thats BS. You don't think people talk? Well, we do.
Does anyone know the outcome of what happened to our marketing team?
Does anyone know the outcome of what happened to our marketing team?
It failed to market! The commercials were supposed to save us!
JJ said so on the analyst calls! No answer for the debt, but he continues to "think" and the commercials are having marketplace impact!
He's like Kevin Bacon's character in Animal House, with the same high pitched voice. All is well! All is well!