
How much will the lunch budget be?

All Specialty Division is having their national meeting in March in Arizona. That includes the Rheum. reps. since they are in the Specialty Division. Not sure about the Publicis contract reps. going to Arizona, but Pfizer's Rheum reps. and all of specialty is having the meeting in Arizona. Email confirmation to IS division confirms it.

All Specialty Division is having their national meeting in March in Arizona. That includes the Rheum. reps. since they are in the Specialty Division. Not sure about the Publicis contract reps. going to Arizona, but Pfizer's Rheum reps. and all of specialty is having the meeting in Arizona. Email confirmation to IS division confirms it.

For the last time club foot its in San Diego!!!

Now go wax your lip and make me some goulash!

All Specialty Division is having their national meeting in March in Arizona. That includes the Rheum. reps. since they are in the Specialty Division. Not sure about the Publicis contract reps. going to Arizona, but Pfizer's Rheum reps. and all of specialty is having the meeting in Arizona. Email confirmation to IS division confirms it.

Post the email to prove it.

Meeting could be in Siberia for all anyone cares.

All Specialty Division is having their national meeting in March in Arizona. That includes the Rheum. reps. since they are in the Specialty Division. Not sure about the Publicis contract reps. going to Arizona, but Pfizer's Rheum reps. and all of specialty is having the meeting in Arizona. Email confirmation to IS division confirms it.

vaccines reps not invited to the party. those kids will stay home.

Post the email to prove it.

Meeting could be in Siberia for all anyone cares.

What? Are you kidding me?? This is going to be freaking awesome!

Arizona reception event will be playing dress up in pink prison scrubs with a feel good "pick-up the trash" teamwork exercise, followed by a dunk Sherrif Joe Arpaio Pfizer PAC shooting event with a keynote motivational speech by Gov. Jan Brewer. Hearing John McCain will be the cloak room bar breakout session featuring night cap stories of "Once Upon a Time, way back when in the 1960s and 70s....". Charles Barkley will stumble into the meeting, late of course on CP time, looking for a blow job while providing color commentary on all the drinking games.

Sorry, all Pfizer Mexican name badges will be detained at the door for further screening.

What? Are you kidding me?? This is going to be freaking awesome!

Arizona reception event will be playing dress up in pink prison scrubs with a feel good "pick-up the trash" teamwork exercise, followed by a dunk Sherrif Joe Arpaio Pfizer PAC shooting event with a keynote motivational speech by Gov. Jan Brewer. Hearing John McCain will be the cloak room bar breakout session featuring night cap stories of "Once Upon a Time, way back when in the 1960s and 70s....". Charles Barkley will stumble into the meeting, late of course on CP time, looking for a blow job while providing color commentary on all the drinking games.

Sorry, all Pfizer Mexican name badges will be detained at the door for further screening.

Now I heard we will be doing lots of role playing exercises. Management will play the doctors and we will play the hot little drug reps in short skirts who come to flirt with the docs and get a signature. They are going to coach the sales force on how to sell sexier.