March 20 and IS still has no numbers...


That's right - 11 days from Quarter 2 2013 and I still don't know if I won a 2012 award.

Let's review what I don't have:

- NO 2012 final numbers
- NO Q1 2013 quotas
- NO Q1 2013 sales numbers

this is a joke. NO one will address it and no one cares. I am a salesman. I want to know what my goal is and how I am progressing against it. Is there anyone in leadership who knows anything about what motivates sales? I can assure you it isn't creating a powerpoint withe phrases "create a sense of urgency" or "optimize execution".

It is pretty simple - give me my sales quota before the measurement period ends and give me data along the way so that I know how to adjust my plan.

meanwhile, it is March 20, 2013 and IS has NO SALES NUMBERS OF ANY SORT!


New VP has ushered in sweeping world-class changes sans Stetzmiller. Still no PCV quotas, which directly effects account concentration sales strategy to achieve the goal. Surreal.

IS has been cheapened to contract sales senior management. Brought to you by Dilbert.

You're not in sales. If you were in sales,you'd have numbers on a daily or weekly basis. Tell a friend/relative,whatever that you're in sales and don't have numbers for 3 or more months. We both know it's a joke. Now go to the gym at 2pm or pick up your kids at 3pm.

Same IMS data feed, same IMS data supplier and they keep blaming it on the new processor ZS Associates.

C'mon Man! ZS is trying to disrupt this field force again to shake down some more realignment consulting fees, you fools!

Nothing like finding out you've hit the Pinnacle with 33% of the new year over with and before you have your IC Scorecard for 2012. Now if I can only find those 2013 sales goals locked up in a Pirate's vault in the Grand Caymans, hmmm?

Well, I did not win.

I still don't have my numbers but I wasn't on the HQ powerpoint for winners.

So, still no 2012 numbers.

Still no 2013 first quarter quotas. In 5 workdays, the quarter will be over with no quota and I guess operations will adjust my numbers to make sure my quota minimizes my incentive pay then tell me to try harder.

Makes me wonder when I will get my second quarter quotas.

Well, I did not win.

I still don't have my numbers but I wasn't on the HQ powerpoint for winners.

So, still no 2012 numbers.

Still no 2013 first quarter quotas. In 5 workdays, the quarter will be over with no quota and I guess operations will adjust my numbers to make sure my quota minimizes my incentive pay then tell me to try harder.

Makes me wonder when I will get my second quarter quotas.

Please tell me there are more mature people in this division than you. You have your quotas for Q1. Every division in Pfizer is in the exact same position. You know what u sold last year, name of the game is sell more.