Many Good reps will Go Many subpar Reps Will stay


This will occur due to the fencing approach. By protecting a group of reps from the layoff challenge others will incur, it will breed complacency. Just because you have the wrong letter tag the company should not close their eyes to individual performance. Most lettered reps have contact with all the offices we interact with. The correct approach is to put all letters A, B C D, E etc. into the same bowl and retain your best talent from 100% of the bowl.

This is the best approach and fairest for the company. But will it happen?


Agree. Don't lose sight you can be losing the best.....

Just because someone is an A or D or DF does not mean they should be saved.....while award winner, superstars get given the pink slip. Why? because they haven't been lucky enough to be plopped in the right mix?

If someone can be trained, they can be retained!

This is a motto we need to live by!

Don't mix the valuables in the trash.....

Agree. Don't lose sight you can be losing the best.....

Just because someone is an A or D or DF does not mean they should be saved.....while award winner, superstars get given the pink slip. Why? because they haven't been lucky enough to be plopped in the right mix?

If someone can be trained, they can be retained!

This is a motto we need to live by!

Don't mix the valuables in the trash.....

Valid post and maybe things will change. Of course I am fine cause I married a ctl. Stay in bed .♥♡xoxodon't get shed.

This will occur due to the fencing approach. By protecting a group of reps from the layoff challenge others will incur, it will breed complacency. Just because you have the wrong letter tag the company should not close their eyes to individual performance. Most lettered reps have contact with all the offices we interact with. The correct approach is to put all letters A, B C D, E etc. into the same bowl and retain your best talent from 100% of the bowl.

This is the best approach and fairest for the company. But will it happen?

This is why Merck has been failing for so many years. Their mode of operations throughout the corporation will further lead the company to decline. If you operate R&D and other departments in the same fashion you achieve the same negative results over time. I understand it is easier to select letters and send out pink slips. But this will lead to many talented performing reps tossed will the mediocre will be facing our customers. What message does this process tell those that remain? It will not matter if you have talent but the letter Merck assigns to you.
It is a shame……...

Will Merck use the same Consultants to restructure that have screw the sales force up 3 times in the last 4 years. Mercks motto if you screw things up let me pay you more money to screw it up even more. Bring in some grownups who know the pharmaceutical business.

Some B reps have more experience and sold Diabetes prior to many A and D reps. Not noting this is outright discrimination by not pooling B with the A and D reps to differentiate performance prior to dismissals. If I were a B rep and was let go I would contact a lawyer. This is a blatant move and I'm surprised the process got by the Merck Lawyers.

Valid post and maybe things will change. Of course I am fine cause I married a ctl. Stay in bed .♥♡xoxodon't get shed.

You are a looser!! People who sleep with people to get ahead in the old days are you know what! Uggggghhhh! Good for you and your inappropriate relationship. Don't be arrogant. Your arrogant time will come for both of you. Have you ever heard of don't put all your eggs in one basket? Jokes on you!

Sue all you want. See how far you get. Most reps
live in "at will" states. That means you are employed "at will" and can be terminated without reason. Merck will make sure the distribution of those losing their position is very diverse: across the age, sex, and tenure spectrum to prevent someone from claiming discrimination.
Losing proposition but go ahead and try it if you are feeling lucky.

Sue all you want. See how far you get. Most reps
live in "at will" states. That means you are employed "at will" and can be terminated without reason. Merck will make sure the distribution of those losing their position is very diverse: across the age, sex, and tenure spectrum to prevent someone from claiming discrimination.
Losing proposition but go ahead and try it if you are feeling lucky.

This has been a public service announcement from the good lawyers at Merck.
Be well!

This has been a public service announcement from the good lawyers at Merck.
Be well!

Merck also just to add salt to the wound sends the list of people fired by age, years of service etc. so they can say "see we fire all ages and rep's with experience etc." This is so a rep will not get any "ideas" about suing mother Merck. They want to make sure you know that the lawyers are running the show and that they know how to fire so that you cannot sue!!! Real pleasant thing to receive after you have been let go…...

Merck doesn't start the process of whether they should keep Suzie or Johnny in Backwater, USA territory, they start with a number with a dollar sign in front. They tell the consultants, HR and Legal to make that Big Dollar Number a reality. You're all good reps as far as corporate is concerned (they hired and trained you).

The pharma rep job has been degraded into irrelevancy long ago, so saying your a "top performer" is analogous to saying you hold the record for shoving the most marshmallows in your mouth. A recognizable feat I admit , but not much practical application

The pharma rep job has been degraded into irrelevancy long ago, so saying your a "top performer" is analogous to saying you hold the record for shoving the most marshmallows in your mouth. A recognizable feat I admit , but not much practical application

So why are you here it raining and you can't mow?

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