Manufacturing Nightmare


Can this company sink any faster! Now, there are big problems with the second manufacturing facility in Europe. As if the issues in Mississippi weren't bad enough, now this. Rumors have been circulating about the guy running the factories being a drunk and womanizer. You can't make up the stuff going on in this company under the nose of our dear CEO. The signs are all around us....good luck to everyone in getting out of here by July with a new job. The last email by Ted was a joke, the disrespect he continues to show us will come back to bite him. The stock will hit $1.00 soon!

Why of course, isn't everyone who did a great job going to Hawaii..what a waste of time & money What are they going to motivate us with next???

Trust me, you wouldn't even want to go. I got so much grief because I wanted to take my kids. Pardon me, but I don't want to leave my children and be over a thousand miles away.

What does this have to do with the manufacturing of the product? Nothing! You are drummimg up B.S. just to scare people. Europe has had the drug for over ten years and now all of a sudden there is a problem? You are full of crap!

You really need to get your head out of your ass! The plant in Europe is in trouble, that's a FACT It's not the factory that made our drug years ago, idiot. Know your facts before you post, the factory in Mississippi has had issues long before the drug was even approved that's one of the reasons the company contracted with the factory in Europe. If we don't have a product to sell, we don't make any money. How about asking who the dumbass is that is running the factories for Cadence and why they still have a job?

could you notify Ted. Why dont you bring it up on the conference call. apparently you are the only one in the country who has this info. Do you know who really shot JFK

You must be the guy responsible for our manufacturing nightmare! Like I the poster said before get your head out of your ass! Read Yahoo Finance Message Boards, many people including investors know all about the issues with our factories. Why do you think the stock took such a hit recently. Please get off CP and do your job so we can keep selling this drug until we find a new job!

Why read yahoo when we can get all the up to date info from you. Please let me know what day we can hear about the Italian manufacturing issue. When you cant answer that please let us know what else we should know. You are not amusing, informed or funny.
Actually you are funny.

Ouch...must have found the guy responsible for the factories posting on CP No wonder our company is in such disarray, upper mgmt doesn't do their job & needs to micromanage/shift the blame on everyone else so we don't get close enough to discover who & what is behind the curtain. Are you the wizard? I want to go back to Kansas!

The company is just about over but I am not buying the manufacturing issu e story as we would have heard it by now - although we all know we just have a handful of months left. So many people actively interviewing now but it takes time.

The company is just about over but I am not buying the manufacturing issu e story as we would have heard it by now - although we all know we just have a handful of months left. So many people actively interviewing now but it takes time.

So true, I am currently sitting in an airport hotel lobby waiting for my final interview and hopefully a ticket out of here. I thought I would check this website for some inspiration and I found it. Wish me luck!

Wishing you Good Luck! The mfg problem is real as are many many other problems with our beloved company. We are all tired of Randy, Scott and now Bob posting crap on CP to make us believe this company is not in BIG trouble. So typical of mgmt with inflated egos and titles!