Mandated Polygraph Testing


"We offer a professional and efficient Polygraph Service to our clients in order to promote honesty, increase efficiency and to curb losses with-in the work place. Every company has the right to protect their business against crime and dishonesty and to protect the profitability and viability of the company. The Polygraph, better known as a Lie Detector, can be used as an investigative tool in the event that dishonesty arises, to identify those innocent persons who may be implicated and to identify those who may be involved. This assists in shortening the investigative process, saving time money and manpower."

You know the tone and spirit of those who post here may come across as a bunch of people who are just begging for the company to institute polygraph testing. The first paragraph here comes from a website of a company offering polygraph services. Read it and I am sure that a lot of threads posted here come to mind. Can you believe that things have degenerated to the point that a number of people have basically given up, a number flagrantly falsify calls and detail how they do it. Likely the people who do this kind of thing are in the minority, probably somewhere in the 5 to 15% range. 15% though is significant and I am sure "Mother Novartis" would like to see that 15% gone. So keep poking your stick in the tiger's cage and you may very well see polygraph testing become part of everyone's year end review.

Enough said!

You know the tone and spirit of those who post here may come across as a bunch of people who are just begging for the company to institute polygraph testing. The first paragraph here comes from a website of a company offering polygraph services. Read it and I am sure that a lot of threads posted here come to mind. Can you believe that things have degenerated to the point that a number of people have basically given up, a number flagrantly falsify calls and detail how they do it. Likely the people who do this kind of thing are in the minority, probably somewhere in the 5 to 15% range. 15% though is significant and I am sure "Mother Novartis" would like to see that 15% gone. So keep poking your stick in the tiger's cage and you may very well see polygraph testing become part of everyone's year end review.

Enough said!
HEY FUCKFACE I'm at the beach now & already entered 6 calls ...LMFAO !!

polygraphs are far from perfect. In fact, many experts consider them a farce, and almost all scientists who have studied them (and even some polygraph administrators) understand that polygraphs are seriously limited. Fortunately, for this very reason, they are easy to trick.

Steps to defeat
Refuse a polygraph. The easiest way to avoid failing a polygraph is to refuse one
Learn about polygraphs
Practice countermeasures in advance. The countermeasures below can almost guarantee that you “pass” the polygraph examination
Find out what the Remember that the polygrapher is not your friend. The polygrapher may try to convince you that he or she is on your side tester is looking for
Approach your whole “polygraph day” as a test. Treat the polygraph examination as an extreme job interview.
Don’t admit anything relevant. The job of polygraphers is to extract confessions, and in one way, the whole examination is a complex ruse to trick you
Beware pretest tricks. Polygraphers will frequently attempt to instill fear in
the subject or convince the subject of the accuracy of the polygraph machine
Breathe normally. Throughout the test (except during control questions) maintain a breathing rate of 15-30 breaths per minute. Do not breathe too deeply.15Alter breathing rate with control questions. As explained above, the polygrapher will compare your physiological responses to control questions to your responses to relevant questions.

"Steps to defeat and practicing countermeasures" - apparently you have been "boning up" on polygraph testing with what I assume is a belief that polygraph testing could potentially be used to weed out those that are not living up to their agreement, whether written or understood, that they would give Novartis an honest day's work. As you apparently spend a lot of time on the beach and plan on the possible need to cheat on a polygraph test too. Just like you are cheating the company, you spend more time learning how the polygraph works than how Novartis drugs work. What a proud individual you must be - proud of your accomplishments, proud of your work ethic, etc.! I bet your parents, spouse and kids are very proud too! Maybe Novartis ought to give you an award for "Creativity" at the next big meeting!

Why don't you just quit so you can spend even more time at the beach without having to worry about getting sand in the laptop. Have a nice day and don't forget the sunscreen, you don't want to have to explain that sunburn.

PS to my last response.

You said "just refuse the polygraph". Well I would think that if things evolved to the point that a polygraph was incorporated into a Year End Performance Review, refusing one would be equivalent to refusing to participate in any part of the Year End Performance Review process or maybe a sample inventory, or an expense report. All of these are offenses which are grounds for immediate termination. Think about that if you think that refusing to do any of these things will earn you a free pass.

I was given a polygraph test when I was 16 and applying for a job at a small chain store similar to a Dollar General. The test showed that I lied about being physically able to to do the job. I was in perfect health and didnt even remember being asked that question. The test is totally bs.

I was polygraphed twice. once when in high school after a retail store I worked at was robbed......When they asked me my name I replied Ronald Regan and that mschine said that it was true....When asked to repeat my answer I said superman....once again they said that it was true....

Later, I was in retail management and as a final interview I was polygraphed and accordingly, I am now consider the king of Persia and have robbed over 100 banks......what a reliable device.

Unfortunately though, I am stuck at Novartis.

"Why don't you just quit so you can spend even more time at the beach without having to worry about getting sand in the laptop. Have a nice day and don't forget the sunscreen, you don't want to have to explain that sunburn.

Yawn ! whatever u say assface . Why do you have time to reply ? Dont you have work to do ?
You're lucky I rolled over to tan my back so I can respond.
Once upon a time my agreement with Novartis included an annuity pension , LTD bennies , STD bennies, pay for performance , fair reviews , etc...ZERO of which have been adhered to so as I will say to you again . This POS co is taking away medical insurance from disabled employees with cancer in case you haven't noticed so You & NVS can go fuck yourselves & keep paying full time pay for 5 hours a week.
It's the least I can do.....seriously I mean THE LEAST I can do (pun intended).
Now go away & quit bothering me during Co paid sand & surf time. I know it's not venice
like the oncology mgrs got but I'll make do

Polygraphs are a joke . Once applied for a security position & they asked under polygraph have you ever done drugs , drink etc...& a hungover still stoned state answered no no way never !
Same like Novartis was told ! Dumb tools !!

No. 7 I'm sure that David Berkowitz would appreciate if you admitted to the polygrapher that you were the real Son of Sam. Maybe we could also clean up the JFK assassination at the same sitting.

polygraphs are not admissible in a court of law unless both sides agree. The US military issues security clearances without a polygraph which will show you how unreliable they are.

Polygraphs are as reliable as the operators, and they are extremely unreliable. They come in on the premise that you are lying, so they continually ask the same question in different ways trying to point out the smallest inconsistency to "prove" you are lying. One of the big polygraph "experts" who always testified how accurate the machines were turned out to have a PhD from one of those diploma mills that didn't require any classes. Real expert, huh?

There is information on line about a combination of an older type of beta-blocker (like propranolol) and a long-acting, high-potency benzodiazepine (clonazepam) along with applied muscular pressure (e.g. clenching your teeth, curling your toes) that will effectively blunt the instrumentation measuring physical responses.

Polygraphs also fail if the subject has an underlying psychiatric diagnosis pre-disposing them to altered sensory input (e.g. autism) or a mood disorder (panic disorder, OCD, depression, anxiety).

If someone asks you to take a polygraph--never submit voluntarily. Ask what their "probable cause" is for them wanting you to take the test and show up with your lawyer. Any good lawyer can rip the polygraph "expert" to shreds.