
The best managers have all left. AC is a good manager but really full of himself. TS could be good because of her attention to detail, however the people who work for her are just that....people who work for her. No loyalty there. AL - Sharp selling skills taught by training...that have no effect in reality. I won't mention names, but I can think of at least three GREAT Managers that have been run off. THe company doesn't care though. Rock the boat, you're gone!

TS is a good person who works her ass off but your right she wont stand up to CS or MD. AL is someone you have to be really careful with. Shes so connected to LM and will definately throw you under the bus without even thinking twice. I saw her do it many times and then turn around with a big smile and be sweet as candy to the person face. I'd saw avoid any contact with her. Is that dork in Cinci still a manager? What a re-tred gomer he was.

Why is my manager so dumb? She doesn't listen when you ask a question and all she wants us to do is compare Bendryl with arbinoxa even if the dr isn't asking about benedryl...why O why am I being punished like this? Must find new job!

Wayne was and he was the best manager ! He had the respect from all of his reps and still does. I wish they would run off some of the ones they have now.

For all the reps that are thinking the same thing, but unwilling to stand tall:

What a pathetic piece of shit you are. You're scraping together whatever ride along notes that you can just to make the bullshit up, so when you send it into your pathetic Regional Manager since he loves reading bullshit, you can actually look like you've made impact and done something while forming that indentation in my carseat with your sweaty, fat ass. Do us all a favor and go fucking away. Reps don't need to report to a bunch of DM's who have, or think they have all the answers, or suddenly feel like you can do a better job. DM's are no longer needed and your pathetic party is over. YOu are useless to all in the field. You offer no positive reinforcement. I'd throw your ass in the position for a day and you'd go crying to your fucking mother like Stewie on FG. You'd have piss stains running down your pants because the cardiologist would blast you like the howe that you are. You walk out of a call and start with your "you should've done this, you should've done that, etc bullshit." 1 fucking day on your own and you'd be toast. So go take your pathetic self and sit in your office on Mon and Fri watching Oprah making up all the bullshit lies that you're writing in the field reports. Oh, do your RM's and SD's know you do this? Maybe a few quick letters to help them realize that DM's don't do shit, except for a small minority that don't have shit on their noses like you. Now go lay down with your Baba or pacifier and take a nap since it's Friday. Or maybe just copy the field travel reports from 6 months ago and change the dates.