Managers Meeting


Bring your comments here. We need to ramp this board up.! My RBM was uncharacteristically quiet this week.
What do we know?
Is AD basically running the Sales Department now? What experience does he have in Pharma? Did he seriously ask why the Sales Force isn’t calling on every Neuro? Dude, half my deck is a University Stroke clinic. Do you want me to sell off label to them?
Gustavo was a no show?
What are GP and SO doing?
Metrics? Seriously?
At least my RBM was back for a late lunch!

Bring your comments here. We need to ramp this board up.! My RBM was uncharacteristically quiet this week.
What do we know?
Is AD basically running the Sales Department now? What experience does he have in Pharma? Did he seriously ask why the Sales Force isn’t calling on every Neuro? Dude, half my deck is a University Stroke clinic. Do you want me to sell off label to them?
Gustavo was a no show?
What are GP and SO doing?
Metrics? Seriously?
At least my RBM was back for a late lunch!

Do you believe the company will consolidate and make the territories smaller? or will they down size and hire a contract sales force for the new launch?

if they went Contract Sales force it would be like coming full circle since that’s how they started. If the want IPX to fail they certainly will go with a Contract Force. It’s very apparent that AD hates the sales force and holds it in utter contempt. Which is an odd attitude for the person who is de facto in charge of the Sales force. No one has said one positive thing about him before during or after the meeting. Judging by the new metrics driven directives coming down from him he sees the current force as nothing more than a plug n play contract force. Good luck with that. Neurology is a tough market. And neurologists like new faces all the time. My RBM has about had it but is keeping their head down thinking the AD experiment will blow up sooner rather than later. I’m not so sure. Who is going to push back? No the ABDs. They are too worried about their jobs. I’m not sure how much more mine can micromanage but I’m sure she will try. In short, AD is the only one who knows what’s going to happen and since he hates reps and managers it’s nothing good.

Another Managers meeting is here! Back to Nashville! Oh to be a fly on the wall at this meeting. No one is happy. Everyone is running around in NJ trying to save their jobs by throwing others under the bus. The biggest culprits unfortunately are the ones closest to the Throne. Helen acts like she’s the only one who has done this job before and to heck with everyone else. It’s her way or the highway! Which is fine if her way wasn’t a disaster in the making. The field sales force is so demotivated it’s sad. I think half of us are going to be above 90% and get any type of bonus. I heard Spasticity was worse. But at least they will get something from the transition. This is no way to build a great culture they keep preaching about. I think every rep on my team would leave if they got an offer for equal money at another company. That’s sad. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe something awesome will come out of this meeting. But we all know it’s going to be all about metrics

Helen is not qualified and is only here because she and Joe are friends. She does not understand Paekinsons and is ruining the sales team!
She is a big fake!!

fake might not describe it. But we now have a Director of Operations who has never carried. Now we have a VP of Sales who has Management experience but not much (any?) sales experience. So 2 of the main people in charge of charting the course for the Sales teams have less sales experience than the average Unithroid rep

fake might not describe it. But we now have a Director of Operations who has never carried. Now we have a VP of Sales who has Management experience but not much (any?) sales experience. So 2 of the main people in charge of charting the course for the Sales teams have less sales experience than the average Unithroid rep

Another Managers meeting is here! Back to Nashville! Oh to be a fly on the wall at this meeting. No one is happy. Everyone is running around in NJ trying to save their jobs by throwing others under the bus. The biggest culprits unfortunately are the ones closest to the Throne. Helen acts like she’s the only one who has done this job before and to heck with everyone else. It’s her way or the highway! Which is fine if her way wasn’t a disaster in the making. The field sales force is so demotivated it’s sad. I think half of us are going to be above 90% and get any type of bonus. I heard Spasticity was worse. But at least they will get something from the transition. This is no way to build a great culture they keep preaching about. I think every rep on my team would leave if they got an offer for equal money at another company. That’s sad. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe something awesome will come out of this meeting. But we all know it’s going to be all about metrics
What went on at that meeting that brought us to where we are today? Do tell!