Managers meeting

Just get your resume out there and network as much as possible. Don't wait around for answers to the contract extending. It's always best to interview while you still have a job. For some reason,most of the time, companies are arrogant and do not like to hire those who are laid off. and interviewing, regardless of talent or success. Sucks

Just get your resume out there and network as much as possible. Don't wait around for answers to the contract extending. It's always best to interview while you still have a job. For some reason,most of the time, companies are arrogant and do not like to hire those who are laid off. and interviewing, regardless of talent or success. Sucks

The problem with your logic of interviewing and bla, bla bla, is that the company you may join is just as fragile as the one you are working for.

Why leave? So you can join another company, only to get laid off again.

I say, just stick where you are unless you get a much better job, and if you get laid off, have the socialists take care of you with unemployment until you get back on your feet.

If you are good in sales, you will get hired. You just have to network, be carefree about it all, and walk in the interview like you are their answer and that you could care less if they hire you, and if they don't hire you, its their loss.

Life is not complicated. There are sales jobs out there. Pharma is not sales, that is something that many of you have to get over, which is why so many are worried about losing their jobs in pharma.

Now, if you are a true salesperson, go-getter, F the world mentality, and smart, then you will do well in the real world of selling.

The problem with your logic of interviewing and bla, bla bla, is that the company you may join is just as fragile as the one you are working for.

Why leave? So you can join another company, only to get laid off again.

I say, just stick where you are unless you get a much better job, and if you get laid off, have the socialists take care of you with unemployment until you get back on your feet.

If you are good in sales, you will get hired. You just have to network, be carefree about it all, and walk in the interview like you are their answer and that you could care less if they hire you, and if they don't hire you, its their loss.

Life is not complicated. There are sales jobs out there. Pharma is not sales, that is something that many of you have to get over, which is why so many are worried about losing their jobs in pharma.

Now, if you are a true salesperson, go-getter, F the world mentality, and smart, then you will do well in the real world of selling.

Refreshing and honest answer. I am a nurse educator and I love it. Just wondering if that job is any more secure than sales?

Is unemployment socialism?

Socialism is everywhere. The military is the perfect example. Unions are another example. Nursing homes are also. I could go on and on, but I won't.

Getting back to your question, unemployment is absolutely socialism, because the government is using money that they have taken from people and giving it back to those that are not working. If the state didn't take the money to begin with, then people would have all that extra money to invest or save or do as they please with in.

In fact, if the state didn't take from us to begin with, then the economy would be so robust, that the only people unemployed would be those that didn't want to work. Even those that are physically disabled can answer phones, etc. Those with mental problems may be the only group that would need some help, and that help should come from their family.

I gotta run, but this is a good topic. People need to wake up and stop letting the state be the provider...

The main theme is that the government does not produce anything, and what the state gives away comes from us, they have taken it from us first.

Its common sense, something that I know many pharma reps don't have!

Offiically, unofficialy some will stay based on AZ needs and some will go. When the tide comes in they will tell us how great we are and what a good job we are doing. When the tide goes back out some will be left standing on the beach wondering where the others have went to. Do more with less and be happy you still have a job is how AZ/Publicis will play this one. It's all about the bucks and AZ/Publicis doesn't know or care what you or your family will do tommorow. What a way to set a tone going into the POA's. Look around the room because the next time you will meet more than half in attendance will be gone. Who knows maybe even your current mananger. Here is an idea why not get ride of the manangers that do nothing and keep the salespeople that actually contirbute to the bottom line? Silly me, that would quite simply make too much sence. Besides, I am sure they disovered a new way to present the material at their meetinig. Do you think they had to roleplay? I would bet not because some of them would have been seen as the worthless waste of space and money they are. Let freedom ring. Happy 4th to you all.

So reps that have worked for 20 years over here who happen to get downsized are getting a "handout" through unemployment?

You are just getting the money back that you put in the system, minus the interest.

Its a joke.

Wouldn't you have been better off having that money in your paycheck when you were working? Then you could invest in and make money off the interest, or buy another property or save it.

Interest of over 20 years is a lot of money.

Again, the state does not create anything. They just take from those working, and give it away to those that are not. If we never had that system, the economy would be stronger for many reasons, one being that people have more incentive to work (less money will be taken from their paychecks, and that money could be circulated into the economy are create more jobs).

If you still don't think unemployment is not socialist, then I am not sure what you are thinking.

Remember this about socialism and what Mr. Change is trying to do in the White House: Hitler was a socialist. He was not a facist. That should be a good warning to all of us about what our current government is all about.

You are just getting the money back that you put in the system, minus the interest.

Its a joke.

Wouldn't you have been better off having that money in your paycheck when you were working? Then you could invest in and make money off the interest, or buy another property or save it.

Interest of over 20 years is a lot of money.

Again, the state does not create anything. They just take from those working, and give it away to those that are not. If we never had that system, the economy would be stronger for many reasons, one being that people have more incentive to work (less money will be taken from their paychecks, and that money could be circulated into the economy are create more jobs).

If you still don't think unemployment is not socialist, then I am not sure what you are thinking.

Remember this about socialism and what Mr. Change is trying to do in the White House: Hitler was a socialist. He was not a facist. That should be a good warning to all of us about what our current government is all about.

Hey nutjob, take your babbling rants over to the poli board. It is specifically set up for know it all blowhards like you. You've bored us on here enough already.

Hey nutjob, take your babbling rants over to the poli board. It is specifically set up for know it all blowhards like you. You've bored us on here enough already.

Look at what we have here, another pharma rep that is clueless.

On top of that, you call people nutjobs because you have never read a book without pictures, and cannot possible develop an eduated argument as to why you disagree.

Maybe this is the wrong board, but it is a worthless forum, and not something that should be taken so serioulsy, so that people cannot go off topic from time to time.

My guess is that you have a four year degree in beer drinking, and are another mindless contract rep who has a small penis.