Managers in Offices


More and more physician offices are shutting out managers. I feel lucky to get into some as a rep myself. Now my manager wants me to get creative and get him into offices although most clearly have a "no manager" policy. The offices say "no" and the manager says "find a way". So where's the integrity you keep preaching, Novartis? I honestly have about four offices I can take my manager into, and of course my counterparts can only get him into those same offices. So now those offices are seeing him more than they see us reps! This is a maddening situation, and I only see it getting worse as this year goes on. Any suggestions?


Tell the office mgr or who ever sets up the appts with the offices that your manager demands to visit with you.

If you have a good relationship with the office they can either let him/her in or best when they come with you they can inform him/her in person about the NO MGR rule.

This will save you the hassle of dodging his/her requests and put him/her in the hot seat from the DRs office on their rules.

It also shifts the responsibility from you to your customers (who should be the priority here not the mgr).

Worst thing is to LIE to your accounts and SNEEK mgr in. They will only punish you and not the jerkoff mgr who forced you to compromise your integrity

I hated taking mine into offices, he wouldn't let me do much of the talking and he was pushy, rude and actually hurt my business and some of my relationships, get rid of all the DM's and let the reps run their own territory, save the company money, then if they don't produce enough money for that pod to keep so many start getting rid of them one by one until the territory makes money!!!! It's called sales!!!!