Manager says we must click through the screens

Who cares? This is all a sham everyone knows it. Click through the screens keep your metrics up and cash your paycheck. But you know it will end soon and be looking for another career. To get worked up over this is insane. Play the game, run to the bank and get out asap.

Play along, but protect yourself. Everyone I know uses their SMARTPHONE to record the "click the screens in your car, after the "real" call" conversation with DSM. Just record it and save it to your home computer. Document the recording, makes sure it mathces the coaching report date. Keep it in your back pocket, you will sleep better. Believe me, AZ does not care about you at all!

Oh so true, I got let go in feb. I was in the top 8% in sales, they kept the managers favorite. She played the game. I didnt. Im out of a job (CNS) and guess what, honestly, I'm sooooo glad I'm gone. I have a job now outside of pharma that has greater potential and I love that I am actually in control of my own destiny.I would feel so cheap lying about calls, no self dignity, We had about 80 docs to see (my partner and I) of those only about 50 would see us and of those only about 15 wanted to see us. Of those we did not influence 1 doctor that xr was any better. We tried talking about how xr caused less sedation..... We were told to stop that.

The model is so broke and everyone knows it yet everyone from viscount on down knows it and is checking boxes. Ride I till you can it won't last much longer.

Play along, but protect yourself. Everyone I know uses their SMARTPHONE to record the "click the screens in your car, after the "real" call" conversation with DSM. Just record it and save it to your home computer. Document the recording, makes sure it mathces the coaching report date. Keep it in your back pocket, you will sleep better. Believe me, AZ does not care about you at all!

Why? You have a million dollars for litigation just laying around? No one cares what your DM may have said to you unless they told you to something illegal and I mean like cause a patient death illegal. Recording a conversation in certain states where BOTH people do NOT know, is illegal and punishable. Click the screens is a prefect example of some moron in marketing who spent millions and has their neck on the line making the rest of us miserable. Someone very high up must have agreed to the investment and now wants to assure himself or herself and PROVE we are indeed using it and our clients love it. It really is a total joke. I agree though that anyone who calls out that the Emperor has no clothes will be marked for death regardless of your numbers. Have bad numbers and refuse to play the game and you will be gone in a blink.

I will say this again: Two AZ reps in my area got so literal in their detail and bound to dot every corporate "i" and cross every "t" that now NO rep can go into the offices. I know this for a fact. One AZ moron went through a three product detail and got thrown out. Knowing the messaging and response are fine - but using some judgement is even better. SIMs is nothing like the real world and for anyone that thinks it is or tries it, you are NOT going to ever get your numbers where they need to be. Just play the game with your manager and the rest of the time, practice good business in a tough access environment.


Why? You have a million dollars for litigation just laying around? No one cares what your DM may have said to you unless they told you to something illegal and I mean like cause a patient death illegal. Recording a conversation in certain states where BOTH people do NOT know, is illegal and punishable. Click the screens is a prefect example of some moron in marketing who spent millions and has their neck on the line making the rest of us miserable. Someone very high up must have agreed to the investment and now wants to assure himself or herself and PROVE we are indeed using it and our clients love it. It really is a total joke. I agree though that anyone who calls out that the Emperor has no clothes will be marked for death regardless of your numbers. Have bad numbers and refuse to play the game and you will be gone in a blink.

I will say this again: Two AZ reps in my area got so literal in their detail and bound to dot every corporate "i" and cross every "t" that now NO rep can go into the offices. I know this for a fact. One AZ moron went through a three product detail and got thrown out. Knowing the messaging and response are fine - but using some judgement is even better. SIMs is nothing like the real world and for anyone that thinks it is or tries it, you are NOT going to ever get your numbers where they need to be. Just play the game with your manager and the rest of the time, practice good business in a tough access environment.

You bring up a good point. If reps actually did click through most screens as the data will show (in all probability mostly in the car or seated at the office) sales would likely crash and even more offices would close to reps.

The common sense and recognition of maintaining a relationship with the HCP that most reps have IS the buffer AZ needs. Marketing is living in a dream world driven by "counting hits" and "metrics."

Oh so true, I got let go in feb. I was in the top 8% in sales, they kept the managers favorite. She played the game. I didnt. Im out of a job (CNS) and guess what, honestly, I'm sooooo glad I'm gone. I have a job now outside of pharma that has greater potential and I love that I am actually in control of my own destiny.I would feel so cheap lying about calls, no self dignity, We had about 80 docs to see (my partner and I) of those only about 50 would see us and of those only about 15 wanted to see us. Of those we did not influence 1 doctor that xr was any better. We tried talking about how xr caused less sedation..... We were told to stop that.

The model is so broke and everyone knows it yet everyone from viscount on down knows it and is checking boxes. Ride I till you can it won't last much longer.

Good for you. And you are correct when you say that from Viscount on down. Tho, its really starting above that. All smoke and mirrors.

Preservation of the worst.

TsI is the stupidest invention out of all the stupid things in big pharma. I bet the IT people who sold it to AZ and to the other companies who called it by a different name are laughing all the way to the bank. If you know how to sell these products you know that the computer is a liability NOT an asset and you must click through the screens so that you do not have to explain yourself to an asswipe DSM who is not strong enough to stand up to the pressure

When we left clinical reprints and paper vis aids, that was the beginning of a slow death of real salesmanship. I have been selling for 35 years and I can tell you that eye to eye contact is critical in the persuasive sale.when you have a computer and a bag and you are look g at it and not your audience, you are not going to sell.if senior leadership really believes that doctors actually look at these silly computers, then I am truly amazed! Mangers play along with the game. They have to. If I were a dsm I would be very worried right now. There is really no need for them at all, worthless.

:::::sigh::::: this is the silliest thread on CF. Your manager asking you to do something simple. Just click through the damn screens in the car...hit your 80-85-90% whatever your manager wants. It's all bullshit....reps lie about calls....managers lie to their RSD...on and on and on. Pharma----the greatest Ponzi scheme known to man. It's coming to an end. Click and look for another job for god sakes.

The people in charge (there are about six, honestly, who wield power at AZ) think that it makes sense to have the people under them act like robots. So act like a robot, or leave. They don't think you've got good sense. Very similar to the way Nancy Pelosi sees the people under her (all of us).

Nuff said.

clicking thru screens? the company is wanting to drive those doctors' eyes to our controlled websites or other internet channels..the rep is basically a very expensive computer/pad stand.

Every doc out there can google up your drugs info on their smartphone and catch a nice 25 second detail with all they need to know about the product.

LMAO. Yep, my manager had me click through the screens AFTER the call. hahahahahahahaha - Oh, the Emporer Has No Clothes. But, shh, don't tell anyone. I have been doing this a long time and agree with the old guy on this thread. Selling is about eye contact and really listening and not showing off some glossy or an image on your computer unless the customer wants to see it.

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