Manager Georgia


Is there an opening for a hospital management postion in Georgia? If so, does anyone know why it is open? Who is the hiring manager for that position? Any help is appreciated - Thanks!

I think the managers name is Mark Reid - I have not heard good things but do not know him personally. I think the entire hospital force is over stressed and not a career path that I would choose. Anyway... good luck!

I worked with Mark when he first joined the company. Great guy, very intelligent and I am surprised he his not higher up the food chain by now. Much stronger than some of the Area Directors in place at the moment.

He has turned into a corporate puppet that can no longer think on his own. No strategy, just trackers to cover his ass and help him prepare for his meeting with Gerard.

Amen on the tracker, tracker, tracker to track the tracker. Does he know anything about Hospital? Richie had more PC's than the rest of his team combined but he wore him out with the micro shit. What to do now?? Let's hire someone from AZ that don't know shit about our company or culture and they will be miserable and looking in 6 months too. Never ending cycle.