Management has failed at B+L


Any organization can measure their success by how many people are employed and the number of people that are hired vs. the number that have lost their jobs due to layoffs.

Based on this metric B+L management is a complete failure.

Valeant should realize this and look for new management. An incredible shrinking company with management that has lead to massive numbers of individuals losing their jobs and shrinking profits needs a change.

Duh. It is Valeant driving the layoffs. Are you really that misinformed? Where did you think their $800M was coming from? Not from hiring.

Valeant has to cut 800 million because of bad management at B+L. If management did not over hire and under deliver there would not have been a need for layoffs.

Horrible managers = many layoffs = B+L management

If you have market share information that shows that B+L management has improved B+L market share over the years you might make and argument that management has done OK. My guess is that market share has decreased yet again another metric on the extremely poor management at B+L.

Look at Valeant's history - this is what they do. They are experts at cutting, but have not demonstrated any expertise in growing other than through acquisition.

Let's see how they make out with their new asset. My guess that in 3 years the B+L brand will be worth considerably less than it is today due to underinvestment.

Most of the cuts are in the name of redundancies, you don't need two HR, Finance, Legal, etc groups. And they don't believe in R&D or marketing so more cuts there. Relentless cuts, way beyond what's required to support a sustainable organization. It's 10x more complicated to get the most basic business transactions complete, and they have completely lost their new (B+L) employees. Not one of them cares. For that matter, neither do many of their former customers who see Valeant as a greedy leech that does nothing for patients or the industry.

So blame previous management if it makes you feel better, but this is Valeants doing. That $800M in savings looks great to shareholders, but what they don't understand is that those cuts are so deep, they've compromised the business and it will fail. Valiant better look for its next acquisition in a hurry before investors figure out how much trouble they're in.

Why stop at $800M? Their model works so well, they should cut an additional $1B. it all falls to the bottom line right? Great business model.

O Canada!
Our home and valeant land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With no R&D or marketing, our profits rise,
As B+L slowly dies!
From far and wide,
Oh B+L, we cut and stand on thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
Oh B+L, we cut and stand on thee.
Oh B+L, we cut and stand on thee

O Canada! Where pines and maples grow.
Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow.
How dear to us thy broad domain,
From East to Western sea.
Thou land of hope as B+L toils for thee!
Thou True North, strong and tax free!


God keep our land glorious and free!
Oh B+L, we cut and stand on thee.
Oh B+L, we cut and stand on thee.

Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our Dominion in thy loving care;
Help us to find new acquisitions, O God,
A lasting, rich reward,
As waiting for the better Day,
We ever stand on guard.

B+L either scammed Valeant on the sale of the company or Valeant knows what they were buying. B+L has played hiring/firing games since 2005 to inflate their overall numbers and bring in their own management cronies so they can manipulate the sales force. True management was doomed when Warburg Pincus started exerting their control over the company.

Wow, someone still thinks Valeant is Canadian.,..
Like all Valeant lies it is based on one person sitting in Canada in an office, and all their pathetic leaders sit in New Jersey running an American company under the Canadian flag to con the taxman,.
When the global major economies finally stop these tax fiddles it will be folks like valeant that get culled first...
By then they will probably be gone anyway as their business is built on eggshells...

Wow, someone still thinks Valeant is Canadian.,..
Like all Valeant lies it is based on one person sitting in Canada in an office, and all their pathetic leaders sit in New Jersey running an American company under the Canadian flag to con the taxman,.
When the global major economies finally stop these tax fiddles it will be folks like valeant that get culled first...
By then they will probably be gone anyway as their business is built on eggshells...

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. is a publicly traded pharmaceutical company based in Montreal, Canada. Proud to be a Canadien company.

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. is a publicly traded pharmaceutical company based in Montreal, Canada. Proud to be a Canadien company.

Proud of this thing? Proud of what? What is it they do for patients, employees, or Canadian citizens. Canada has much to be proud of, but no country should claim this company with pride.

B+L either scammed Valeant on the sale of the company or Valeant knows what they were buying. B+L has played hiring/firing games since 2005 to inflate their overall numbers and bring in their own management cronies so they can manipulate the sales force. True management was doomed when Warburg Pincus started exerting their control over the company.

What? This makes absolutely no sense.

If this doesn't make sense to you then you haven't been here long enough to know. It was a different world with B+L management before the company was bought by private equity firm WP.

No, your writing makes no sense.

If you're suggesting that the prior group brought in their own and hired too many, that may be true to some extent. But, Valeant is getting rid of thousands. You really need to look at their history and philosophy. It is what they do and it is all they do. It sucks.

No, your writing makes no sense.

If you're suggesting that the prior group brought in their own and hired too many, that may be true to some extent. But, Valeant is getting rid of thousands. You really need to look at their history and philosophy. It is what they do and it is all they do. It sucks.

Apparently you do not understand that we're saying the same thing. If you weren't hired with B+L before 2005 then you'll have no idea that B+L management was actually quite entrepreneurial and, overall, decent. Because private equity company Warburg Pincus purchased B&L back in that time frame they started firing managers and reps and then brought in Perry, Steve, Kathy, and a few others to run the sales force. With their own gang leaders in control, they were able to manipulate people and numbers to basically dress a pig up for sale. It took them 8 years to do it, but they got B+L sold off to Valeant while leaving a path of destruction behind them. This bang-up senior crew is now off to Forrest Labs to do something similar. Run Forrest, Run!