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management and hhc


what a joke. it's about the profits. and management has no clue how to generate them. bottom of the barrel when it comes to "leaderless" management. seriously, take a look in the mirror


Yes, she is very sick. I don’t know what her diagnosis is. I never wish bad on people. It is just unfortunate that she set up this new disastrous structure and hasn’t been around to see the negative impact of her decision. Your boss can’t also be your colleague!! It is a nightmare, it is like having and terrible counterpart you can’t speak to your manager about. They are doing shit and getting paid good money!

This place is rotten from the head down. Middle and upper management think they are better than the sales teams. The executive team is a joke and the marketing team only knows how to fail at launches.

We don't need half of them!! Get rid of a few ALBs and make them ICAMs again.
Give me a break. Your sales force structure IS NOT sustainable with the lousy products you have. Call it a day, sell off the assets, whatever in gods name there are and Hiro and Miro and fan their family jewels for the remainder of their years. Peace out numb nuts!!!!!