Managed Markets?


What's the story on the Managed Markets division? Is this a good division? Before I apply for a job, I did some research on some of the leaders and found some interesting work experiences...
Is the division respected at Allergan? I guess every company has a mixed bag of employees but this division seemed more interesting than others.

Thanks for the help. Allergan seems like a great company but wanted to make sure before applying.


The entire division is a joke along with the RAM's. They finally began to have some accountability for formulary wins in eye care. My favorite quote "We got beat on proice there was nothing I can do" Maybe I should use that with my AM and RD and see if I get a pass. SELL THROUGH IT SON!

The entire division is a joke along with the RAM's. They finally began to have some accountability for formulary wins in eye care. My favorite quote "We got beat on proice there was nothing I can do" Maybe I should use that with my AM and RD and see if I get a pass. SELL THROUGH IT SON!

Typical response from eye are sales teams. Sell what you have, your coverage is stellar, quit bitching. You should be selling on clinical not price. You've had it so good for so long you've become lazy and the expectation has become access with competitors blocked. This isn't Botox you guys need to be able to sell through an objection or two. If you can't move on and get off my board.