Mallinckrodt "Managers" Please Take Note:


MALLINCKRODT, Please stop hiring internal candidates for manager roles that are not qualified!
Here is a little reminder of the difference between a "boss" and a "leader"

The boss depends upon authority; the leader on good will.

The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm.

The boss says ‘I’; the leader says ‘we'

The boss doesn't know how it is done; the leader shows how.

The boss says ‘Go’; the leader says ‘Let’s go.’”

The boss justifies or lays blame – the leader takes responsibility.

Holy shit. This is like the story of my life right now here at Mallinckrodt. My "boss" needs major training. A shit load of training. Funny how they hire people to be managers with no managerial experience and no training to be a manager.

This must becoming from HSS side right? My manager (OSS) was recently promoted and is by far and away one of the best leaders that I have ever worked for. Especially in all of the change and turmoil that we have had to deal with over the last several months. From what I understand the HSS side just promoted reps quick to fill spots and never provided any training and didn't even look at external candidates. What sux is that there will be layoffs and the good ones will be gone if they don't leave before then and we will be stuck with the horror stories I have been hearing about with the recently promoted HSS managers. Sad.

Sorry to have to say this but I have no idea what this poster is even talking about. In the area of management I guess i have it good. Finally something to celebrate at this nightmare.

Sorry to have to say this but I have no idea what this poster is even talking about. In the area of management I guess i have it good. Finally something to celebrate at this nightmare.

They are referring to many sales reps being automatically promoted to manager without a strong history of successful sales, training, or prior management experience. Would a normal company do such behavior? No.

Amen to the OP...I am fortunate in that my manager "seems" to get it at this point. Changes every 5 minutes are still happening though. Nobody seems to know what they are doing. It's learn as you go from the top down and rookies in every position. There has been no good news for a year now, but "hang in's coming!!!" Is the grass greener? Geez, I hope so, but the entire industry sucks right now, and probably forever, doesn't it? We are certainly not dealing with A) a startup awesome company B) what was great about the industry several years ago, i.e. access, etc...and most importantly...C) job security or any security anywhere you go in the industry. This job went from fun to really sucking, but you constantly have to weigh the fact that any job you take may suck even worse. I have to be skeptical from these promises made by the other companies and you have to know that they will only last as long as Cadence did. It's the time to run to new ventures folks. The question is what in the world can replace what we have/had while giving us less of the headaches and freedom as sales reps? We are looked at as scum of the earth. Even with the relationships we have built over decades in some cases, the company sold us out.