Mallinckrodt CEO Mark Trudeau has been caught red handed committing securities fraud

Andrew Right Here

Shares of drugmaker Mallinckrodt plunged 12.02 percent Wednesday after long-time short-seller Andrew Left accused the firm's CEO of committing securities fraud.

"Mallinckrodt CEO Mark Trudeau has been caught red handed committing securities fraud — exposed by none other than the newly released Medicare drug-spending dashboard," said Left, the executive editor of the Citron Research newsletter, in a Wednesday note. He also alleged Trudeau committed fraud by lying about the firm's dependence on the Medicare system.

Maybe or maybe not but his Trudeauness has been very quiet after the allegations. His investor relations mouthpiece said something which was really nothing. The investment houses are agressively pushing the stock not because they believe in it but rather because they're trying to save their bacon and investment after the drop from $120!!!!!!!!

You should ask people how this guy acted on the Presidents club trip a few years ago. Stuck with his girlfriend the whole time and didn't interact with anyone. Of course he got the best of everything way more so than anyone else on the trip. Everyone thought he was both rude and stand-offish.
Can someone explain to me why these folks automatically go and their trip is counted as a business trip and everyone else is taxed? He literally had no $ limits. The best suite and his girlfriend got everything she wanted.

You should ask people how this guy acted on the Presidents club trip a few years ago. Stuck with his girlfriend the whole time and didn't interact with anyone. Of course he got the best of everything way more so than anyone else on the trip. Everyone thought he was both rude and stand-offish.
Can someone explain to me why these folks automatically go and their trip is counted as a business trip and everyone else is taxed? He literally had no $ limits. The best suite and his girlfriend got everything she wanted.

You should ask people how this guy acted on the Presidents club trip a few years ago. Stuck with his girlfriend the whole time and didn't interact with anyone. Of course he got the best of everything way more so than anyone else on the trip. Everyone thought he was both rude and stand-offish.
Can someone explain to me why these folks automatically go and their trip is counted as a business trip and everyone else is taxed? He literally had no $ limits. The best suite and his girlfriend got everything she wanted.

I was on that trip too and yes, he was a real DICK