Malincrodt Reps will be looking outside the industry


Your day has finally come. You may not feel it now or in 6 months, but you might want to put some gap employment on your resumes. No one will touch you once everything is said and done....Trust me
When you get cut (and you will soon) and you're out there interviewing, you might want to make sure you don't put too much info in the brag books when selling yourselves.

Its already happened to me! 3 jobs and all came back with MNKs unethical reputation as feedback. It’s competative. Why hire someone from a slime ball company with a fake product when there are so many to choose from??? Get out now if you can. This is going to get much worse. OIG, DOJ, CMS, hundreds of lawsuits, payers.....

Calm down. Valeant reps are fine, and how many companies over time have gotten into trouble. That’s just dumb. Is the pricing and gouging illegal? There are many ways to look at it. Immoral? Yes. Legality and morality are very different.

Calm down. Valeant reps are fine, and how many companies over time have gotten into trouble. That’s just dumb. Is the pricing and gouging illegal? There are many ways to look at it. Immoral? Yes. Legality and morality are very different.

You say calm down, but it's probably because you are just stupid and complacent in your role. I can honestly say that I have had no less that 3 recruiters call me since Monday, all with Rare Disease opportunities and I am telling you, they are coaching around my performance and how to spin it differently on my resume. This absolutely will bite us in the ass.

You say calm down, but it's probably because you are just stupid and complacent in your role. I can honestly say that I have had no less that 3 recruiters call me since Monday, all with Rare Disease opportunities and I am telling you, they are coaching around my performance and how to spin it differently on my resume. This absolutely will bite us in the ass.

What is your net worth?

only worry about reputation if resume traces far back to questcor before acquisition. otherwise should be okay
I worked for both and would totally disagree. Yes, qcor is the one that originally raised price while expanding usage and adding divisions, but all the unethical salea stuff has been under mnk and all the slimey managers and reps hired in under mnk not qcor. For example, under qcor sales were not linked to a duration of treatment like with mnk and also qcor stressed the fact that acthar not t be used as a maintenance therapy which i can tell u that all the reps hired in under
Mnk do not know that because mnk did not want that emphasized during training ($). If u werent here for both companies, then u speak out of ignorance.

I worked for both and would totally disagree. Yes, qcor is the one that originally raised price while expanding usage and adding divisions, but all the unethical salea stuff has been under mnk and all the slimey managers and reps hired in under mnk not qcor. For example, under qcor sales were not linked to a duration of treatment like with mnk and also qcor stressed the fact that acthar not t be used as a maintenance therapy which i can tell u that all the reps hired in under
Mnk do not know that because mnk did not want that emphasized during training ($). If u werent here for both companies, then u speak out of ignorance.

So true, the MNK way has been the way of greed. MT and Hugh are self serving egomaniacs.
Making WAY too much money- they should be serving time