Making Purdue story known in Europe

Hey there,
Me and my team are working on a documentary series on the opioid crisis. Our European audience know about fentanyl, about how Philly streets look like, but not that much about Big Pharma companies role in the epidemic.
We digged the web, heard insiders stories, scrapped in the docs released by US courts, but a lot of Purdue story hasn't been disclosed.
As a datajournalist, I would love to collect any doc, photo, mail, video, any elements from your Purdue years can be useful!
Heard stories from national meetings, from Russel Gasdia voice-mail after 9/11 but never saw it outside of anonymous posts. Do any of you guys have elements on this kind of things?
Currently, we collect testimonies, datas and infos to make our story. If you guys have things to share, we opened a encrypted mail box :
Feel free to help :)

Hey there,
Me and my team are working on a documentary series on the opioid crisis. Our European audience know about fentanyl, about how Philly streets look like, but not that much about Big Pharma companies role in the epidemic.
We digged the web, heard insiders stories, scrapped in the docs released by US courts, but a lot of Purdue story hasn't been disclosed.
As a datajournalist, I would love to collect any doc, photo, mail, video, any elements from your Purdue years can be useful!
Heard stories from national meetings, from Russel Gasdia voice-mail after 9/11 but never saw it outside of anonymous posts. Do any of you guys have elements on this kind of things?
Currently, we collect testimonies, datas and infos to make our story. If you guys have things to share, we opened a encrypted mail box :
Feel free to help :)

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