Making BRLI great again.....not


MAGA 2020!
The entire economy is booming except this dump of a company.

This is what happens when 99% of their upper managment are all Democrats.

Sorry guys but leave he big business decisions to the real men......smh.....

At some point, I have resigned to understand that this company is sinking. People quit the lab and we wait to fill the positions. Maybe I can work more overtime to complete tasks. Or MAYBE OUR SALES TEAM COULD SELL PROFITABLE BUSINESS? I know someone big bad sales guy is going to wake up this morning at 9am and look at this and berate me, maybe tell me to work at Burger King, but while you're handing out donuts/bagels/bags of cash, some of us are actually productive members of society and work for a living.

At some point, I have resigned to understand that this company is sinking. People quit the lab and we wait to fill the positions. Maybe I can work more overtime to complete tasks. Or MAYBE OUR SALES TEAM COULD SELL PROFITABLE BUSINESS? I know someone big bad sales guy is going to wake up this morning at 9am and look at this and berate me, maybe tell me to work at Burger King, but while you're handing out donuts/bagels/bags of cash, some of us are actually productive members of society and work for a living.

I normally avoid handing out career advice to people that I don’t know, but considering the the level of intelligence demonstrated in your post, I’d say you’d be lucky to land a job at The Home of the Whopper. Hope this helps.

We need to drain the swamp. This company really needs an overhaul.

I'd rather be working at the "The Home of the Whopper" then this dump.

All of you have drank the cool aid and have no idea that you are the laughing stock of the industry.

Congrats! You idiots have single handily destroyed the whole industry with your scams and crooked management.

We need to drain the swap.

You morons single handily destroyed the entire industry with your antics.

The entire management team is a bunch of inbred idiots. :)

I'd much rather be working at the "The Home of the Whopper" then in this dump.

You all drank the cool aid and have no idea that you are the laughing stocks of the entire industry! Congrats!

Oh brother. There are times when I read these posts and wonder why I put forth the effort to share my insight and wisdom. Yes, Cindy is part of the solution, but Quest Diagnostics will save this company.

Sounds as real as the Flying Tiger from Madame Chiang Kai-shek. Dont bogart that joint my friend.

Oh brother. There are times when I read these posts and wonder why I put forth the effort to share my insight and wisdom. Yes, Cindy is part of the solution, but Quest Diagnostics will save this company.

And so you say for umpteen time that Quest will save the company? I think you have dirt lodged in your record GROOVE. Is your name Pete or Repeat?

Oh brother. There are times when I read these posts and wonder why I put forth the effort to share my insight and wisdom. Yes, Cindy is part of the solution, but Quest Diagnostics will save this company.

There is nothing left to save. Some company will purchase Bio, close the lab and send all the customer's orders to their own facility.

There is nothing left to save. Some company will purchase Bio, close the lab and send all the customer's orders to their own facility.

You ignorant, obnoxious, ungrateful rodent. BioReference will be saved. We will acquire and absorb it into Quest Diagnostics. Without our generous intervention, BioReference would be liquidated. Show some respect.

Fake Meltdown - Fake News

Everyone who’s anyone knows that it’s true. And I suspect that even an out of the loop nobody such as you knows it as well. But go ahead son, entertain us. Prove it! Where are your facts? That’s what we all expected. Crickets. Chirp, Chirp. We will take BioReference. We will dismiss you snd youf cohorts. Nothing can stop us. Quest Diagnostics never loses.

Everyone who’s anyone knows that it’s true. And I suspect that even an out of the loop nobody such as you knows it as well. But go ahead son, entertain us. Prove it! Where are your facts? That’s what we all expected. Crickets. Chirp, Chirp. We will take BioReference. We will dismiss you snd youf cohorts. Nothing can stop us. Quest Diagnostics never loses.

Fake News - Fake Meltdown - Bad Speller

Everyone who’s anyone knows that it’s true. And I suspect that even an out of the loop nobody such as you knows it as well. But go ahead son, entertain us. Prove it! Where are your facts? That’s what we all expected. Crickets. Chirp, Chirp. We will take BioReference. We will dismiss you snd youf cohorts. Nothing can stop us. Quest Diagnostics never loses.

The burden of proof is always on the person who brings a claim in a dispute. Nice try Dullard.

Why do you idiots get so worked up over a sh!t company that would replace you in a heartbeat. Everyone that defends this failure of a company has no life. Move on! Your company sucks! Also if Quest had half a brain they wouldn't want to buy your corrupt company full of uneducated inbred idiots. Sorry but you asked for it. No1likes you. Have a nice day!

Why do you idiots get so worked up over a sh!t company that would replace you in a heartbeat. Everyone that defends this failure of a company has no life. Move on! Your company sucks! Also if Quest had half a brain they wouldn't want to buy your corrupt company full of uneducated inbred idiots. Sorry but you asked for it. No1likes you. Have a nice day!

When we want your opinion son, we’ll give it to you. Until then, shut your pie hole. Hope this helps