It's been impossible to get leveled around here the past few years. It will definitely be the next thing they get sued over. Our career development relies solely on our ranking and anyone who works here knows what an absolute joke that is, especially since we now compete against territories with different product is it even legal to rank us against people that not only have different product line-ups, but different weightings? On top of that they keep changing us every quarter. It's one thing if we all had the same product with the same weighting but now it's just an absolute shit show. My manager feels this ranking system, development, incentives will be the next major lawsuit. Let's face it we all know that values and behaviors do not mean shit. If you are ranked really well and they have $ they will write goods things about you on values and behaviors on fcr's and year end reviews even if you are a shithead. If you ranking is not great but you deserved a 3 in values and behaviors, guess what you will not get that 3 because it is all about your ranking that is it, enough managers have let this Novartis policy out of the bag. At the end of the day your rating is decided in a meeting where the managers are given a certain number of 3s, 2s, and 1s based on budget. You will have to fit into whatever number is left. Your fate is determined by an available budget not on what you actually earned. How is this, legal, ethical, or moral? It's not, and a novartis will one day have to pay millions in court over this practice as well. What a scummy company we work for. Record profits, yet do you know even one rep remotely close to target bonus anymore? Record profits and a raise that is less than inflation. Speaking of bonuses, isn't it time to maybe up the annual total bonus? It's been the same target bonus for at least 10 years. This company is a dump and deserves to lose every penny it has lost in the courts. This is the only company I know of where I know more reps that root against it then for it...that says something.