Major Exodus

Vanda has lost over 30% of their reps in 2 months and neither Mihales nor Tom seem to think there is a problem. They don't have the first clue. This company will sink into the ground permanently very soon. Mihales is already selling off his shares and screwing his employees out of bonuses. It won't last much longer.

I did a phone screen with a recruiter in regards to an open position. Why everyone leaving?
Can’t handle a little pressure ?

Reps were given wildly high goals and told they would not recieve a bonus for either drug unless they met the crazy high new goal set for fanapt. Reps then forced to sign a contract agreeing to work without having IC plan for Q2. No idea what if any bonus we will get this quarter, which ends in 2 weeks. Owner took away our ability to see whether or not we get prescriptions. Owner being sued by shareholders for off label promotion and a host of other charges. Owner openly does not give the tiniest shit whether or not his employees are even remotely happy. Do not work here.

Former rep visiting site: mass exoduses will always exist at Vanda. Mihales a criminal waiting to be arrested. He cares more about his status than patient care. Do not ever cross the legal or ethical lines he expects you to cross. He wants you to take the fall.

Former rep visiting site: mass exoduses will always exist at Vanda. Mihales a criminal waiting to be arrested. He cares more about his status than patient care. Do not ever cross the legal or ethical lines he expects you to cross. He wants you to take the fall.

Former NSS here too. This company is nothing but a big shell game. I can’t wait for Mihales to get what’s coming to him

How shocking - a company with only 125 sales people strong sales force has 31 vacancies! Some of the best reps and account managers have been lost recently. Few more might be leaving soon. Shame on you Vanda! You give retention a complete new definition.

I did a phone screen with a recruiter in regards to an open position. Why everyone leaving?
Can’t handle a little pressure ?

Hahaha that's cute. "A little pressure"
It's not the pressure, it's the illegal off label selling of a product, (sanctioned by management with nothing ever in written form) that NO PATIENT will ever receive.
Scratch that. Take the job. Let's see how long you last in this "little pressure" company, with top execs that truly care for their employees.