MAG Time Again


This is such a joke, why don't they just do the lame cut and paste for each rep and then have us initial it? How many at Ridgefield spend their time believing there is ANY value to the process?

Some times I thinks BI will grow up and be a fleet, nimble customer focused sales organization, like the big boys. This is a excellent opportunity for re-invention.


This is such a joke, why don't they just do the lame cut and paste for each rep and then have us initial it? How many at Ridgefield spend their time believing there is ANY value to the process?

Some times I thinks BI will grow up and be a fleet, nimble customer focused sales organization, like the big boys. This is a excellent opportunity for re-invention.

Sounds more like you are lazy and care little about your development.

This is such a joke, why don't they just do the lame cut and paste for each rep and then have us initial it? How many at Ridgefield spend their time believing there is ANY value to the process?

Some times I thinks BI will grow up and be a fleet, nimble customer focused sales organization, like the big boys. This is a excellent opportunity for re-invention.

Wah.....I have to do my MAG plan again. Wah....where's my binkie and pacifier.

I know once you learn to do it, it only takes five minutes, but I've always wondered if the plan is the same for all pcp reps, why can't they just pre-populate the damned thing?

It is the same for all reps. I don't mind filling it in, but don't really see the point of it. Your review is based on your numbers (many of which are decided more by formulary coverage than our interactions) and your relationship with your DM (and based on my experience at Bi most DM's aren't that bright, but are skilled at kissing butt and denying reality). The best thing BI could do is shrink the number of managers and replace the marketing staff with salespeople (face it we market, we don't sell) pulled from the field.

Sounds more like you are lazy and care little about your development.

Fuck off, I don't need yto be "developed" by a dumb-fuck, jack-assed managerer who's a tool for the company. I can develop myself because I am self-motivated enough to keep a territory sales job every work day. Besides, if 3/4ths of your end of year review is based on arbitrary rankings based off of smoke and mirrors then how in the hell does this "develop" me. Shit heads in a company always roll down more shit on reps in order to justify their un-needed position. Thanks, but no thanks.

Fuck off, I don't need yto be "developed" by a dumb-fuck, jack-assed managerer who's a tool for the company. I can develop myself because I am self-motivated enough to keep a territory sales job every work day. Besides, if 3/4ths of your end of year review is based on arbitrary rankings based off of smoke and mirrors then how in the hell does this "develop" me. Shit heads in a company always roll down more shit on reps in order to justify their un-needed position. Thanks, but no thanks.

Spot on!

The fact the company gives up pre-assigned goals and tells us every year what our goals are is so lame. It defeats the purpose of what an annual plan is supposed to be. Zero ownership. It's a exercise in cut & paste.

The fact the company gives up pre-assigned goals and tells us every year what our goals are is so lame. It defeats the purpose of what an annual plan is supposed to be. Zero ownership. It's a exercise in cut & paste.

Not only that, but we will cut and paste what they tell us to right now. (Our "goals") Then when it comes time to close out the MAG at the end of the year (after we have worked toward those "goals") they will have us change them. What kind of fucked up shit is that? You can't change the rules after the game has been played.