Macon, GA..What Happened?


They got the hell out of here. Can't blame them. I'm resigning in two weeks just waiting to get my company car delivered from my new gig.

Good for you!! I'm trying to get out of this crap ass company too. Wish I was in your position and had an offer in hand. BTW, what kind of car did your new company give you or what types did you have to choose from? Just wondering. Had final interview with a competitor about 4 months ago. I was one of the final two candidates but lost out. In final interview the hiring manager told me that the Audi Q5 (smaller SUV) was a car choice. Damn bummed I'm not working there and driving an Audi.

Anyway, glad to hear you've made it out of this hell hole of a company. Good luck to you.

Good for you!! I'm trying to get out of this crap ass company too. Wish I was in your position and had an offer in hand. BTW, what kind of car did your new company give you or what types did you have to choose from? Just wondering. Had final interview with a competitor about 4 months ago. I was one of the final two candidates but lost out. In final interview the hiring manager told me that the Audi Q5 (smaller SUV) was a car choice. Damn bummed I'm not working there and driving an Audi.

Anyway, glad to hear you've made it out of this hell hole of a company. Good luck to you.

I can see why you didn't get the job with questions like "what kind of car do you get" during your final interview.

I can see why you didn't get the job with questions like "what kind of car do you get" during your final interview.

Well that's quite an assumption you made. Actually, the DM informed me of the car choices and other "benefits" as she put it. It seemed as though she was selling me on taking the position. That's why I was surprised to get a call from her telling me they went with the other candidate.

But at least this is a learning moment my friend. So what did you learn? Perhaps that when you assume you make an ASS out of U not ME. You must be Takeda Legacy. Always jumping the gun and assuming something that is not true and then trying to call someone on the falsehood. Yup. You've got the stench of takeda legacy all over you.

Well that's quite an assumption you made. Actually, the DM informed me of the car choices and other "benefits" as she put it. It seemed as though she was selling me on taking the position. That's why I was surprised to get a call from her telling me they went with the other candidate.

But at least this is a learning moment my friend. So what did you learn? Perhaps that when you assume you make an ASS out of U not ME. You must be Takeda Legacy. Always jumping the gun and assuming something that is not true and then trying to call someone on the falsehood. Yup. You've got the stench of takeda legacy all over you.

Actually I don't know what Takeda Legacy is. I was hired 3 years ago. What are you talking about? Or are you still hung up on that merger that happened eons ago? G Force hamsters and Takeda Legacy. You are all losers. And you got the stench of diabetes. But you are G Force so you have no clue as to what I am talking about

Actually I don't know what Takeda Legacy is. I was hired 3 years ago. What are you talking about? Or are you still hung up on that merger that happened eons ago? G Force hamsters and Takeda Legacy. You are all losers. And you got the stench of diabetes. But you are G Force so you have no clue as to what I am talking about

STOP. We've busted you. Your wrap is totally TAKEDA Legacy. Go away you takeda legacy loser. It's bad enough we have to work with you, yet alone have to read your inane dribble on our board. Go crawl back under your rock.

STOP. We've busted you. Your wrap is totally TAKEDA Legacy. Go away you takeda legacy loser. It's bad enough we have to work with you, yet alone have to read your inane dribble on our board. Go crawl back under your rock.

On our board??? You mean the Takeda board, right??? I can't find the TAP thing you guys always refer too!!!! Lol

I can see why you didn't get the job with questions like "what kind of car do you get" during your final interview.

Your post reeks of envy and a lack of self actualization...I had a buddy who joined an outfit and one of his big requests, he was upfront about: his own room at meetings - which they do get - and he did ask about it in the first interview. He got the job.

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