Lytics Lifecycle Marketing Principal AW


what does he do exactly? What makes him qualify for being a principal? If all it takes is to just talk talk talk and sabotage others as a living habit, oh then I get it. Another great example of transformation: keeping idiots around and even promoting them for doing nothing. Bravo DNA. What an insult to the Lytics team!


The Lytics folks are just praying that their mo eh grab gig with no real competition ever runs out, they wouldn’t know what to do and would fail miserably in a competitive job interview.

You people are absolutely clueless about what Lytics is or what they do. It is by FAR the only true account management job in the company. Lytics is a tough job and I guarantee not many people have the chops for it.
There is tons of competition in the way of apathy and fear from physicians. Lytics people truly save lives and tens of thousands of people from permanent disability every year.
What have you done lately? Ask your physicians for their next five patients? How predictable and useless. Do you actually help anyone?
You’d better pray you don’t have to interview against any Lytics people for a future job here. They will wipe the floor with you. Just wait and see...

Comedy hour... the posts must hit close to home... Enjoy the fat paycheck while you can for a drug available since 1996.

You people are absolutely clueless about what Lytics is or what they do. It is by FAR the only true account management job in the company. Lytics is a tough job and I guarantee not many people have the chops for it.
There is tons of competition in the way of apathy and fear from physicians. Lytics people truly save lives and tens of thousands of people from permanent disability every year.
What have you done lately? Ask your physicians for their next five patients? How predictable and useless. Do you actually help anyone?
You’d better pray you don’t have to interview against any Lytics people for a future job here. They will wipe the floor with you. Just wait and see...

Pay no attention to these people. Claim BioOnc doesn't compete, probably GIO too and Rally....Clueless.
Just stay positive dont pay attention to the negative drivers here.

You people are absolutely clueless about what Lytics is or what they do. It is by FAR the only true account management job in the company. Lytics is a tough job and I guarantee not many people have the chops for it.
There is tons of competition in the way of apathy and fear from physicians. Lytics people truly save lives and tens of thousands of people from permanent disability every year.
What have you done lately? Ask your physicians for their next five patients? How predictable and useless. Do you actually help anyone?
You’d better pray you don’t have to interview against any Lytics people for a future job here. They will wipe the floor with you. Just wait and see...

Hey Ashley
Nice recital of the Lytics Mantra. Now go back to micromanaging your peons and thinking you’re the second coming of Mother Teresa. Shallow Bitch

There is DEFINITELY not a more pathetically arrogant group at Gene than Lytics! We have to endure their BS every year at NSM with their “look at me” t-shirts. We always wanted to bring our own T-shirt’s that had a specific body part on them with the caption “STROKE THIS” emblazoned across the front!!!!
Hands down the biggest assholes in the company. Sammy “I think I’m a bad ass” and Paul “I’m so little I love my title so I can act like a big shot” are prime examples the cockiness on that team. I have always love your definition of competition.....”apathy and fear from the physicians” is mentioned in another post. Give me a break! You don’t think every sales team deals with that?!? Let’s be have no competition!!!! Lytics won’t leadership has realized there is no need for you...I would call that a stroke of genius!!!

You CLEARLY don’t understand this particular hospital sales model. You will be the first cut from an ecosystem that has NO place for your ignorance. You will see that Lytics will survive this debacle the best. Wait and see.

Just goes to show how much you don’t know. Both Sammy and Paul have been promoted and they are bringing many of us with them. I hope you windup working for one of them, or one of us, because your lack of talent and bullying won’t be tolerated.

You’re pretty heartless to make fun of stroke patients. Your jealousy is brighter than our beloved stroke T-shirt’s.

Classic answer!!! Proves my point about Genentech promoting people who haven’t done anything except play the Gene game. And hey dumbass, I don’t think there is anything derogatory to stroke patients in the previous post. There is definitely making fun of a bunch of arrogant assholes in their team t-shirts! And why in the hell would I want to work for either of those two a-holes? Maybe you can wear one of your t-shirts to your next interview and they’ll know right away that you don’t know how to sell in a market with no competition.

Just goes to show how much you don’t know. Both Sammy and Paul have been promoted and they are bringing many of us with them. I hope you windup working for one of them, or one of us, because your lack of talent and bullying won’t be tolerated.

You’re pretty heartless to make fun of stroke patients. Your jealousy is brighter than our beloved stroke T-shirt’s.

As a Stryker device rep trolling your posts (formally with Genentech Lytics a while ago) I will admit, a lytics CS should be worried. The day to day work in Lytics is pathetic. The drug sells itself and should have no more than 10 CS’s in country. TPA is the gold standard. How will you generate more business when every hospital is already using it? (Uh...Protocol?) When they can’t they use TPA, they use stent retrievers. You all are delusional. I can’t believe this franchise still exists. For what? Stroke awareness? Uh, it’s common knowledge. Genentech is blind because they continue to pay Lytics CS’s for absolutely nothing. Wake up folks!

As a Stryker device rep trolling your posts (formally with Genentech Lytics a while ago) I will admit, a lytics CS should be worried. The day to day work in Lytics is pathetic. The drug sells itself and should have no more than 10 CS’s in country. TPA is the gold standard. How will you generate more business when every hospital is already using it? (Uh...Protocol?) When they can’t they use TPA, they use stent retrievers. You all are delusional. I can’t believe this franchise still exists. For what? Stroke awareness? Uh, it’s common knowledge. Genentech is blind because they continue to pay Lytics CS’s for absolutely nothing. Wake up folks!
And I guess your devices sell themselves? Just like you have to babysit the Cath lab to get your products used, Lytics has to have hospital policies changed, inspire nurses, physicians and stroke teams daily (and personnel is always changing, so you have to do it again from scratch A LOT) deprogram physicians to not be scared of a bleed and so much more. You should know this if you really sold here. Lytics reps meet with C-Suites and everything in between. True account managers, hospital trained, so others should be concerned.

And I guess your devices sell themselves? Just like you have to babysit the Cath lab to get your products used, Lytics has to have hospital policies changed, inspire nurses, physicians and stroke teams daily (and personnel is always changing, so you have to do it again from scratch A LOT) deprogram physicians to not be scared of a bleed and so much more. You should know this if you really sold here. Lytics reps meet with C-Suites and everything in between. True account managers, hospital trained, so others should be concerned.

The incessant elitism continues...

Although I think some on the Lytics team are talented, that’s no different than many other teams at the organization. Some people are and some are not. The thing I’ve always despised is the elitism that comes from most in Lytics and it’s endorsed and supported from the top in that team. No place for that going forward.

And I guess your devices sell themselves? Just like you have to babysit the Cath lab to get your products used, Lytics has to have hospital policies changed, inspire nurses, physicians and stroke teams daily (and personnel is always changing, so you have to do it again from scratch A LOT) deprogram physicians to not be scared of a bleed and so much more. You should know this if you really sold here. Lytics reps meet with C-Suites and everything in between. True account managers, hospital trained, so others should be concerned.
I think the Lyrics team is not getting the message....... basically FU! All of you

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