Lytics Division


What is the story with this division? Are Activase and Cathflo performing well? Does this place have a promising future, any new products in the pipeline here?
Thanks for any info!

Worst division in the company. Leadership is weak and incompetent. CSs are spoiled and lazy. I started there long ago but since got out. I have several friends there and everyone is so unhappy.

Stay out of the Northeast!!! it is a MESS. The RSD that was placed here is a moron. He has no leadership skills, socially awkward and well, he's dumb. (or mildly retarded) The managers are clueless and process oriented. We have been on the bottom for the last 4 years in the rankings and not one of them has been held accountable. Someone needs to come in and clean house.

An RSD crying like a little girl with a skinned knee. I have never, ever seem anything like this circus. Truth is... MD was crying because he knows has failed us as a leader. He finally realized the talent and family-like unity in Lytics that he will never be a part of. Time for a new rotation Depudge. How can we help?

An RSD crying like a little girl with a skinned knee. I have never, ever seem anything like this circus. Truth is... MD was crying because he knows has failed us as a leader. He finally realized the talent and family-like unity in Lytics that he will never be a part of. Time for a new rotation Depudge. How can we help?

What are you talking about crying? Didn't he win?

Depudge! Love it! Win what? The "most likely to disengage and ruin an entire region in under 2 years award".
How sad and transparent was Peg M standing up and defending that load? No Peg, we don't know you were promised the HSAM job in exchange for your false loyalty. (WINK) Disgusting! Here is a new word for you Peg, "Integrity". Ever hear of it?
Hoping to get out ASAP. Just embarrassing at this point.

Leave the RSD alone. He's not a bad guy. He is just 3-4 pay levels out of his league.
It's sad watching the simple man trip over his feet and words. Many are embarrassed for him. Ummmm, ummmmm, ummmm.
Who knows, the man may be due for a promotion soon.
AP does his spreadsheets and analysis.
Was he interviewed or was he a walk on?

Leave the RSD alone. He's not a bad guy. He is just 3-4 pay levels out of his league.
It's sad watching the simple man trip over his feet and words. Many are embarrassed for him. Ummmm, ummmmm, ummmm.
Who knows, the man may be due for a promotion soon.
AP does his spreadsheets and analysis.
Was he interviewed or was he a walk on?

AP has been MD's "silent partner" since they pushed him in. That's how she got hired. MD and AH swept a major HR issue involving AP under the carpet and then got her hired. They "submarined" an experienced Roche manager, living in the geography, with a great record. Great!
Do they really think no one knows the BS that has been going on? The tears from MD fooled no one. We are living in a culture of mis-trust and deceit .
Really Great!

Depudge! Love it! Win what? The "most likely to disengage and ruin an entire region in under 2 years award".
How sad and transparent was Peg M standing up and defending that load? No Peg, we don't know you were promised the HSAM job in exchange for your false loyalty. (WINK) Disgusting! Here is a new word for you Peg, "Integrity". Ever hear of it?
Hoping to get out ASAP. Just embarrassing at this point.

I was waiting to hear the result. It was true. Disappointing and unfortunate. Well Peg, hell of a way to end your career with no respect from your peers and aligned with a corporate flunky. It just keeps getting better in NE...

Speaking of the NE. Does anyone else mind that JM is cornholing TB. We know TB likes it, but they are both married and it's wrong. let's pray for their souls and hiney holes.

Lytics was once a proud franchise that was able to hang on to the Genentech culture longer than most. Those days have been over for a number of years. Now it s a joke when you look around during a franchise meeting and see who are the "leaders".
The NE is a disaster and at the same time a joke. Cathflo had its day and Activase is more of a service job because selling a reluctant Emergency Doc Activase for stroke is rare. The primary reason Activase treatment for stroke increases is due to hospital and state requirements. Do we really believe that the CS drives the business? Lytics.
Take 6 months off and track your sales. How much longer will Lytics be a viable franchise?
2 years?

The truth about KG... is that the aweful RL was able to sway MD who can't even stand on his own 2 feet anyway. KG is gone...another RL victim of managing by intimidation and knocking someone down when they were weak. Genentech doesnt stand by their peeps
anymore like they used too....

The truth about KG... is that the aweful RL was able to sway MD who can't even stand on his own 2 feet anyway. KG is gone...another RL victim of managing by intimidation and knocking someone down when they were weak. Genentech doesnt stand by their peeps
anymore like they used too....

Can we be fair? RL did nothing.
JM did nothing (absolutely nothing... or he should be held accountable for KG as a people manager, KG was Cathflo rep of the year in 2012.)
What changed? KG spoke up at NSM 2013.
MD doesn't like to be told he is incompetent. He hides behind his faith, his fat and alienates those who question his ignorance...
He is the definition of evil.
DNA Christians can I get an amen?
Never mind you hired him

Speaking of the NE. Does anyone else mind that JM is cornholing TB. We know TB likes it, but they are both married and it's wrong. let's pray for their souls and hiney holes.

HAHHAHA! That is so funny. We were just talking about this. TB has no leadership skills, no product knowledge and no respect from his peers. MD placed him as RPM because he is a rat and gives management information.